Pros and Cons of Different Categories of Water. Reverse Osmosis, Normal, Spring, etc. Comparisons.

January 23, 2025
For across the board health and safety reasons, when reverse osmosis water is being sold, for example, fill up as much as the bottle will hold, on a discount, all you can drink, even if it is a 20 gallon container, there needs to be clear and conspicuous signage of what type of water it is, especially reverse osmosis water, with warnings about health; the same for whether it is desalinated, and other terms. A placard in the background, or sticker on the machine, something to let people know, especially younger folks.

There are several reasons why.
There have been experiences where store customers are told there is discounted water for sale at the machine, all you have to do is bring in your water bottles. They go to the machine, fill up, and did not realize that they had just marched off with reverse osmosis water. There might have been a sign there, but it was hard to see, or just a fancy term for water so that it sold well. In sum, customers did not know what they were really getting into.

On the subject of consuming 'too much' reverse osmosis water.
Although advertised as being healthy in numerous aspects, which it may very well be, reverse osmosis water has effects; if those effects go too far, then it could become dangerous.
Another factor to take into consideration is that different people have different needs, at different times. To illustrate, use the 300 pound male athlete who is at the top of physical conditioning at age 32, and compare it to his 5 year old son, who may weigh only 30 or so pounds. The son has his athletic career underway, involved in kiddie sport league activities and so forth, and takes up after dad. A cup (8 oz.) of reverse osmosis water drunk by dad once every 3 days might appear as about normal. The son taking up after dad on that might need to be monitored, but it might not be nightmarish compared to a more extreme scenario. What if dad decides to drink an entire gallon in a day, and repeat that every 2 days for 2 weeks?; for a 5 or even 15 year old to try that, especially with no prior training, might be seriously pushing the threshold of certain kinds of dangers.

What are those dangers?, if reverse osmosis water in itself is supposedly a 'good' substance.
It may start with a general rule of too much of just about anything can be dangerous. Moderation is often the beacon when gauging how much to consume something. Identifying where the moderation needle on the gage is, is one of the purposes of this write-up. Identifying the healthy balance. It might help to provide pros, cons, and different kinds of effects of the different kinds of water.

It is understood that mixing different kinds of water can get more complicated. for now, in this ongoing project, where more may be added when found, just providing pieces of information from around resources like the Internet and health books is a starting point.

A first question some might ask is, isn't all water just water, it's all the same?
That might be what it seems. When you look at clear water in bottle, in an untrained eye quickly browsing through a store or the drink aisle, most water bottles apper to have a pretty much clear and colorless liquid. Some folks might go off of instincts and other judgment criteria when selecting a drink, such as does it look good, or look healthy, how does it compare to other options and drinks in the store selection. Some folks might be new to English, and grab what they can afford after a long work day. Did they know that down in the fine print, reverse osmosis water was principally what they were drinking?, what are they getting into?, what makes reverse osmosis reverse osmosis?, the impacts, potential effects, and list of almost boundless theoretical reflections and questions on the topic.

Briefly, they are not quite exactly the same, the different kinds of water, in the context.

Have you ever had reverse osmosis water repeatedly, for instance you have 50 gallons of it stored in the house, used for drinking, cooking, bathing, and everything else, and you have not had any other kind of water. A scene like that could happen while on vacation for a week. It might seem like the hot on track move to invest in huge amounts of reverse osmosis water instead of using tap water to drink, and go on your meditation retreat, but, in actuality, there could be some potential drawbacks if one takes in too much without the guidance to balance.

When you consumed mainly reverse osmosis water, such as on a getaway, did you experience a sensation like someone struck you in the back of the head with a 2 by 4 with a cloth wrapped around it, and then you were left to freeze for a few hours, your physical brain inside your skull was left hurting? That's an extreme, but anywhere along that trajectory, very slight to severer pain. Have you ever felt the sensation of barely enough energy to walk from one side of the room to the next, but maybe you still had the energy?
Please check into some of the information being compiled here.

Eventually, a comparative chart will be put here, or is at least planned. For now, here are a few pieces of information and resources from around the web:
Types of Water
Discusses tap, spring, distilled, purified, reverse osmosis, deionization
Should I Drink Alkaline, Reverse Osmosis, or Deionized Water?
Feb 21, 2019
Provides mostly pros of different types of water
The Role of Low Mineral Water Consumption in Reducing the Mineral Density of Bones and Teeth: A Narrative Review
2023 Nov 20
Low mineral water has gained increasing attention due to its potential health implications concerning bone mineral density (BMD) and dental health. Reverse osmosis (RO) systems to purify water are in use extensively, and these systems, in addition to removing impurities from water, also remove 92-99% of beneficial minerals like calcium, lead, fluoride, magnesium, and iron. These minerals are essential for maintaining optimal mineral density of teeth and bones, thereby preserving bone and teeth health. Most of these mineral components are physically larger than water molecules and are trapped by the semi-permeable membrane of RO filters when drinking water is filtered through it. The resultant water is of very poor mineral content, and studies have shown that this water, when consumed, can absorb minerals from the body and eliminate the same through urine. The combined synergistic effect of consumption of low mineral water along with minerals being excreted has been shown to cause demineralization of bones and teeth, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and dental caries. This review tries to address the ill effects of consuming low mineral water along with preventive strategies to overcome its much-concealed adverse effects.'


Biggest Subject of the Day: How Can I Defeat Coronavirus Through Nutrition?

November 17, 2020
Coronavirus and its accomplice COVID-19, is one of the most dangerous games that are being played. Many of us that know effective ways to help, are stuck between a rock and hard place, give up the knowledge and have it undermined, or stay silent and watch as it claims more victims.
In fighting an elusive force, in this case a disease, it is hard to combat because it is hard to see, among foremost considerations might be, no matter how elusive the disease, and no matter what all the conspiracy ...
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Ways That Could Help Protect You From Listeriosis

April 9, 2018
One of the first steps in getting a command on what it takes to protect yourself and those under your authority, such as childhood aged kids and family, is to get a command on identifying what it is that you are trying to protect yourself from.

Plausibly on target when dealing with Listeriosis.

Let us begin with providing a general idea of what Listeriosis is, and enough of a background about it, that it can be put in an easy to understand everyday framework.

Listeriosis has been around as a dis...
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The Problem of Using Halal, Haram, Kosher, Parve, to Mislead

July 3, 2017
In the United States today, referring to 2017, there are a number of ingredients commonly used in foods that might not be permissible for all food consumers to eat per their belief, religion, diet plan, or medical and health restrictions.  Conundrums involving food ingredients with respect to what is and is not permissible exist in other countries as well.

In the effort to discern what foods are permissible and what foods are not, consumers with food restrictions often look to the ingredient l...
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Milk Products in Balance

April 22, 2017
Originally published April 13, 2017

Is slashing all dairy products, cheese, yogurt, any whitish colored product to include pudding, with ice cream heading up the list, really the best thing for your nutritional health?  The answer that almost always if not 100% of the time, saving for special doctor prescriptions, is moderation of the food stuff available for consumption is a key to best health.  Many dairy treats often taste good, ice cream popsicle, sherbet with milk and so forth, and ...
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Gluten Free Night Not Necessarily Be the Best Course of Diet, if Avoidable

April 22, 2017
Originally published April 13, 2017

-more to be added soon, reference recent article in popular newspaper in India
-thrust: just as diary products in itself are not 'bad' foods, diary free foods is a choice, not that foods that are not 'diary free' are not good, analog pervades, gluten free might be prescribed by a doctor, or for a time, however, leaving out natural fruits and nutrition might result in losing out on a needed well-rounded diet

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