Ways That Could Help Protect You From Listeriosis

Posted by ETIS Health and Nutrition Blog on Monday, April 9, 2018
One of the first steps in getting a command on what it takes to protect yourself and those under your authority, such as childhood aged kids and family, is to get a command on identifying what it is that you are trying to protect yourself from.

Plausibly on target when dealing with Listeriosis.

Let us begin with providing a general idea of what Listeriosis is, and enough of a background about it, that it can be put in an easy to understand everyday framework.

Listeriosis has been around as a disease that has been identified by scientists for almost a century now.

This implies that Listeriosis is 'nothing new'.

Listeriosis is named in correlation to the scientist Joseph Lister.  As it can be noted the first part of Listeriosis begins with Lister.  Somewhere in the stages between Lister and Listeriosis, is that the disease that is caught after being infected by the the bacteria named Listeria, for the most part.

The disease named Listeriosis, is a bacterial infection.

In consideration that the disease has been known about for a while, the disease can be said has been named some time after its actual discovery.  Without going too deep into the naming of it all, popular acceptance of what is being dealt with is a bacteria known as Listeria monocytogenes.

More on gaining a command of this bacteria; most know that mono usually refers to one, and cyto refers to cell.

Listeria monocytogenes, which might be found written as solely monocytogenes, or L monocytogenes, is a bacteria that when viewed under a microscope looks capsule shaped.  It is a gram positive bacteria, which means that under the microscope when stained under the referent science analysis turns purple.  

Listeria monocytogens is often described as a pathogen.

Combining the gram-positive quality, with other aspects, which could be summarized by saying it is harder to kill-off the bacteria, the bacteria is comparatively more lethal than other bacteria especially when it comes to being ingested by humans.

In the early stages of the process of from where the bacteria comes from to where it ultimately gets to respective humans, as in, in your food, then in your stomach, then moving on there, the bacteria Listeria monocytogens may be found in soil, and water, among other mundane places where bacteria can be expected to lurk.

Listeria monocytogens entering your bloodstream is when it starts to get most dangerous to your health.

At this juncture, moving on to some practical things to do and not do to help prevent being infected by the bacteria, Listeria monocytogens, or at least minimize being affected by it.

Once again, the disease, Listeriosis, is largely caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogens.

Chief step of course is to prevent contact and ingestion with the bacteria Listeria monocytogens.

In situations where there is the prospect of the bacteria Listeria monocytogens being on your food you are about to eat, given there might be occasions you might not know if it is or is not prospect, there are certain basic steps recommended to take.

Make sure the food is clean and cleaned.

Make sure the methods use to clean the food are clean as well.  For example, washing the food off; there is no point in washing off food with dirty, contaminated water.

When using heat to purify a food substance from bacteria, go beyond just a certain temperature, or certain minimal time set in a cookbook to prepare a meal; cook the food hot enough and long enough, subjecting it to certain factors, whether flames, heat, clean air, so forth, so that the food gets past the threshold of having the possibility of having the bacterium in it.

Simply refrigerating a food my not prevent your food from becoming conatiminated with Listeria bacteria; this bacteria can grow at low temperatures, cold and warm.

If you suspect you, spouse, kids, students in your class or field trip, tour group, and so forth, might be coming down with the disease Listeria monocytogens, or are in latent stages of showing symptoms, take them to a doctor without procrastination.  Due to the 'toughness' against killing off the bacteria, getting professional or bona fide trained doctor and  medical assistance can go further to making certain the disease does not become lethal after it gets into your bodily system.

It may not be recommended to wait until an entire month goes by to get medical attention or at least a visit to the doctor for accurate diagnosis.

Know that there are numerous different subspecies of Listeria monocytogens.

Keep a level head, and not let outward appearance such as skin tones consume you to the extent it causes chronic anger towards others; the totality could throw certain natural chemical balances, off balance, and the affect make its way to causing weaknesses of aspects of the body.

Listeria monocytogens, the bacteria, or bacterium for singular, is commonly found in:
  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Raw fish, smoked fish
  • Raw milk
  • Seafood products
  • Soft cheeses, especially the kind to put on crackers and snacks
  • Dairy products
  • Raw vegetables
  • Raw fruit

How Listeria monocytogens gets transported:
  • Food, processed food, buying foods at a market, then cooking it to quickly, or eating a ready-to-eat snack in a construct like at an open market in a region where there is less sanitation than a major city in well developed areas.
  • Animals can transport Listeria monocytogens to crops
  • Quality levels of fertilizer that most that could afford otherwise would rather not use
    • In other words, if you are traveling to a village in a remote region of the world and they use animal waste for the fertilizer that the basket of vegetables that are for sale under a tent or from a vendor, take caution

Symptoms of Listeriosis:
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • From the shoulders up, sensations of unusual imbalances
  • Fever and flu symptoms
  • Muscles feel unusually sluggish and too tired to perform what they would normally do, fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Feelings of being affected by germs that cause illness

In conclusion for now, April 2018, sacrificing a slightly extra cost for safely prepared meat, a few extra minutes cooking, or at times offending a host, where one might have to just explain to the host the situation, might be precautionary steps to safeguard from Listeria monocytogens and the Listeriosis, until more is known.



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