Milk Products in Balance

Posted by ETISworld Health & Nutrition Blog on Saturday, April 22, 2017
Originally published April 13, 2017

Is slashing all dairy products, cheese, yogurt, any whitish colored product to include pudding, with ice cream heading up the list, really the best thing for your nutritional health?  The answer that almost always if not 100% of the time, saving for special doctor prescriptions, is moderation of the food stuff available for consumption is a key to best health.  Many dairy treats often taste good, ice cream popsicle, sherbet with milk and so forth, and when it is made clearer that too much of these dairy products can clog arteries, then some might feel that if they do a 180 degree turn-around and totally abstain from these products, they have achieved a great height of turning from their baser selves and greed desires, and they will have this wonderful blood circulation pinnacle, and might top it off with ginko biloba, -- brain is circulating at peak performance, now test taking time is cut in half--.  It does not quite work that way.  Dairy products have many good benefits, some which are important to your health.
-More soon

Tags: ice cream  dairy products  dairy free  craze in reverse  blood flow 



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