The videos beneath this line were produced over 10 years ago, and placed on this wepage shortly afterward. Laws, rules, and regulations regarding placement of others' works have evolved since. As of January 2025, a courtesy and the link the video came from is set beneath the video, will be attempted to be provided, to source where it came from, so as to make clear the videos were not the work of ETIS. We have considered, and might go forward with, removing the videos for just in case compliance, then again are retroactive rulings.

Video with keynote speakers.  Samsung Keynote @ CES 2013 - Youm flexible Displays OLED...

Samsung is phone company.  Youm is the name of the flexible display screen.  OLED screen.

Cell Phone Technologies from Asia | Set on page May 2013

Samsung Keynote, above.
Transparent cell phone, below.
iPod Nano unboxing video