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Showing Tag: " severe rainstorm 11 17 2013" (Show all posts)

Entire Midwest Exercising Caution of Severe Rainstorm Conditions, Chicago Area Near Rainstorm 'Epicenter'

Posted by ETIS Severe Weather Supplemental on Sunday, November 17, 2013,
The entire Midwest is in preparation of severe rainstorm conditions, Chicago area near rainstorm 'epicenter', meaning severest, gradations working outward.

Intense rains predicted:
  • southern Michigan [11/18/2013 insert]
  • southern Wisconsin
  • western Ohio
  • Illinois
  • Indiana

Website viewed with helpful information:

Comment 11/18/2013: there are reports of conditions that were said to be tornadoes in the Midwest last weekend

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Loose Predictions Box

Warning: Content in this box has very few or no validating sources in writing provided.

October 9th, 2024: In the effort to preempt devastation like what occurred to the western area of North Carolina during the Helene, let it be known that there are safe-side regions in the radius around Florida, as it abuts the Gulf, where extensions of the Milton storm's path may eventually reach the very same as Helene including VA, NC, AR, etc. These are besides the list of immediately nearby areas of Florida and Milton path known so far, in GA, SC, AL, TN, MS, LA, east TX.

Keeping a watchful eye on storm progress and unfolding of developments including dissapation, from now through the weekend is wise.

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