Flood in Argentina the First Week of April 2013

April 9, 2013
Who: effected the people of Argentina
What: heavy rainstorms causing flooding
When: rains reportedly started to subside April 4, 2013
Where: La Plata; Buenos Aires; Argentina

Repercussions of event:
  • power losses
  • safe drinking water shortages
Status as of yesterday, Monday April 8, 2013:
translated from: http://www.laprensa.com.ni/2013/04/08/planeta/141522-reparten-mas-mil-toneladas [source not studied by ETIS]

"Convoys of vehicles carrying donations from around the country came to the city on Monday, the capital of the province of Buenos Aires (central-east), the largest district with 16 million inhabitants.

However, the District Governor, Daniel Scioli, suspend requested donations, most mattresses, bottled water, clothing and blankets, to make a survey of the "new priorities" in what he described as the start of "a new era"...

Some 150,000 were directly affected by the flooding and another 200,000 indirectly to live in areas close to the water that buried, according to the municipality. The storm also hit the city of Buenos Aires and its suburbs, with other affected 350.000 and eight dead, according to official figures...

The flood damaged or razed nearly 60,000 houses, 25 per cent of La Plata, an important commercial, industrial and university, said the commune."

From another report on Sunday April 7, 2013:

Damage from last week's record rains and flooding in Argentina exceeded five billion dollars, according to officials, who said on Sunday that more than 350,000 people suffered losses in property.

"More than 350,000 of our neighbours were affected directly or indirectly by the storm, which caused 2.6 billion pesos (five billion dollars) in damage," according to a press release by the Telam government news agency.

source: http://www.nation.co.ke/News/world/Argentina-floods-cost--5-billion/-/1068/1742288/-/q6d2rd/-/index.html


Tornado Occurred in Mississippi

February 11, 2013
In Hattiesburg, Mississippi effected main streets, took place between early this morning and last night.  Forrest county hit the hardest inasmuch the number of houses damaged, in the hundreds.

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Winds up to 70mph Expected in Montana to Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska. Severe Weather Watch Through Today Wednesday October 17, 2012. Specific Regions and Locations in Article.

October 17, 2012
70 miles per hour winds are dangerous, and considered severe.

Sudden gusts at that speed can be as if a truck hit something at that speed.

Power outages, shattered glass, downed light and telephone poles, broken street lights, tree limbs being hurled, and swerving vehicles resulting from difficulty in maintaining intended vehicle course, are all possible repercussions of those winds.

In rural and open areas, where there are only a few structures and all are sturdy, witnessing windstorms might no...
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Typhoon Sanba, Heavy Rainfall and Mud Slides Affecting Japan and the Koreas, September 17 through 19th, 2012

September 19, 2012
The typhoon Sanba, with the combination of heavy rains and mud slides is blamed for claiming at least 3 lives, and other disabling side-effects on infrastructure.

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Severe Tornado Watch/es for NY, MD, VA, DC, DE, NJ, WV, NC Now Tuesday September 18, 2012 4PM EST

September 18, 2012
Severe tornado watch going on right now as tornado/s are going on right now for:
  • all of Washington DC
  • southern New York
  • western New Jersey
  • eastern half of Pennsylvania
  • most of Delaware
  • most and almost all of Maryland
  • eastern half of Virginia
  • eastern tip of West Virginia
  • northern area of central North Carolina

areas surrounding are being warned, although the threat level is not as high/intense

houses in Virginia have already been destroyed today

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100,000 People Without Power from Hurricane in the Last Few Days of August if from Hurricane Isaac. Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas are States Mainly Affected

September 4, 2012
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas, in that order according to reports of the number of people without power, are states mainly affected by Hurricane Isaac, late summer, 2012.

Some houses are still underwater, some are only partially, with gradations between.

Many livestock and cattle are seen affected by the rising waters.

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Lightning in the Wet and Dry; Comment on What Wildfires are a Manifestation of

August 29, 2012
The summer of 2012, the continental U.S. has witnessed, popularly media covered, 2 types of extreme weather conditions.  One is lightning storms accompanied by severe rains and winds, and another is wildfires, more accurately, some conditions precursor to wildfires, which have been blamed by lightning as well.

When wildfires occurred after a lightning strike, and there are several fires caused within just a few miles of each other around the same time, it has been additionally reported that ma...

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Loose Predictions Box

Warning: Content in this box has very few or no validating sources in writing provided.

October 9th, 2024: In the effort to preempt devastation like what occurred to the western area of North Carolina during the Helene, let it be known that there are safe-side regions in the radius around Florida, as it abuts the Gulf, where extensions of the Milton storm's path may eventually reach the very same as Helene including VA, NC, AR, etc. These are besides the list of immediately nearby areas of Florida and Milton path known so far, in GA, SC, AL, TN, MS, LA, east TX.

Keeping a watchful eye on storm progress and unfolding of developments including dissapation, from now through the weekend is wise.

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