Warnings of Extremes of Prolonged Cold Followed by Extreme of Prolonged Heat and Wildfires

May 16, 2014

The effect is similar to an ice cube tray filled with water for prolonged time, then suddenly placed in extreme heat, such as on the stove.  Not only is it easier to get the ice cubes out, but sometimes the entire ice tray will crack with it.  The analog to the ice tray breaking is major infrastructure and structures, markedly ones that if they give way to that effect due to climate and other weather conditions such as wildfires, could be hazardous.  Examples of these types of structures are supported roadways, and residential communities near slopes where mudslides could occur.

The central areas and MidAtlantic region of the U.S., underwent unusual prolonged cold and stormy conditions for most of early 2014.  With global warming- be prepared for extreme heat, and extreme heat to make up for the heat that was not there, plus the prospect of forest fires, the fires likely more toward the western part of the U.S.  Total effects of the situation, may include mudslides, sinkholes, and general effects of stretching or expanding of the earth, common sense imagery of what could occur could probably be imagined but not wholly accepted as practical.

Currently, San Diego in California is undergoing serious wildfires.  Is that a sign for more of these types of events to come?  A rough wildfire season.  Thankfully technology to combat the fires is developed. 

Altogether, the totality of everything that mainland U.S. is going to face up until the end of August 2014, might not have been experienced to that degree before.

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Central Region of U.S. Victim of Vicious Tornado Conditions Occurring Now April 28th 29th 2014 Thereabout

April 28, 2014
The way the bird's eye view of the tornado pattern looked, the situation going on as we speak is one that call for must take all precautionary steps.  Devastation has already been wreaked in urban areas of Arkansas.

There appears to be a head and feet of the tornado system which resembles a dragon in shape, wherein the feet and the bottom portion of the head almost start to come together.  The feet of this weather system are in the southern central U.S., while the head, large and gaining...

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Brazil Sees Extremes: Flooding and Shock High Temperatures

January 8, 2014
December of last year in 2013, numbers nearing 50 people, were reported to have died after flooding occurred.  Not 30 days passed, Rio has undergone very hot temperatures, described as sweltering, with the exception of 1 or a few days, in January 2014.

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Prospects of Newsworthy Snow Storms 1st 10 Days of December 2013

December 4, 2013
Over the past day or so, Minnesota has seen snow weather conditions, which can be described as wither time snow storm, about 2 feet of snow.  A foot more, has been undergone in other regions in the U.S. in the past few decades, which was a cause for major slowdowns in business and commerce.  At the forefront of the danger of conditions in Minnesota, are accidents.

The upper Midwest is known for feeling the brunt of cold weather in the continental U.S.  Snow at this time of year in that area, i...
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Areas Around Southern Dip of Lake Michigan Still Up for Severe Rainstorm Watch and Warnings Today November 18th 2013 Through Wednesday the 20th

November 18, 2013
U-shaped zone around Lake Michigan including Chicago and Milwaukee could potentially see severe rains, rainstorms, and at the further extreme tornadoes

Lake Michigan looks a bit like a picture of a thumb pointing downward, a thumb generally bends in two sections, the section furthest out from the hand, when the thumb pointed downward, is the area of Lake Michigan that could have nearby land regions potentially undergo severe rainstorms later today, and for the western part of that region, such...
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Entire Midwest Exercising Caution of Severe Rainstorm Conditions, Chicago Area Near Rainstorm 'Epicenter'

November 17, 2013
The entire Midwest is in preparation of severe rainstorm conditions, Chicago area near rainstorm 'epicenter', meaning severest, gradations working outward.

Intense rains predicted:
  • southern Michigan [11/18/2013 insert]
  • southern Wisconsin
  • western Ohio
  • Illinois
  • Indiana

Website viewed with helpful information:


Comment 11/18/2013: there are reports of conditions that were said to be tornadoes in the Midwest last weekend

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Philippines Hit by Typhoon

November 11, 2013
Footage shows wreckage caused by a typhoon.
As of November 11th, 013, the toll of the victims lost is at about 10,000

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Loose Predictions Box

Warning: Content in this box has very few or no validating sources in writing provided.

October 9th, 2024: In the effort to preempt devastation like what occurred to the western area of North Carolina during the Helene, let it be known that there are safe-side regions in the radius around Florida, as it abuts the Gulf, where extensions of the Milton storm's path may eventually reach the very same as Helene including VA, NC, AR, etc. These are besides the list of immediately nearby areas of Florida and Milton path known so far, in GA, SC, AL, TN, MS, LA, east TX.

Keeping a watchful eye on storm progress and unfolding of developments including dissapation, from now through the weekend is wise.

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