Inches of Snow Hit Eastern USA - January 6, 2025, Dangers, Precautions

Posted by ETIS on Monday, January 6, 2025
Story originally written and pulished to:

Main excerpts:

Our focus key is safety, especially road and walkway.

With the snow still fresh, it might be easy to melt, and not really cause a road friction issue. Dangers come usually in 2 forms In regard to roads:

  1. The roads ice up

If snow is not cleared and nightfall arrives, the once easily manageable snow can become nightmarish when it hardens, and slickspots of ice evolve on roads.

  1. Slush factor

Many folks may not have been called in to work due to inclement'... When that absence ends and everyone gets on the roads all at once, the heat from vehicles can obviously melt snow, which could be an advantage, as some lanes of traffic start to get clearer; the disadvantage is the melted snow gets pushed to somewhere, and if that melted slush is into other lanes of traffic, eventually the back and forth of the slush going from one area of the road to the next, can turn into accident fodder. It is important that excess slush, and browned snowfall, hail, dirt, road debris and so forth, be removed before it becomes a facilitator of increased dangerous conditions. Walkways can wind up getting blocked as well, which can lead to pedestrians walking in the street, which can be dangerous.

Loose Predictions Box

Warning: Content in this box has very few or no validating sources in writing provided.

October 9th, 2024: In the effort to preempt devastation like what occurred to the western area of North Carolina during the Helene, let it be known that there are safe-side regions in the radius around Florida, as it abuts the Gulf, where extensions of the Milton storm's path may eventually reach the very same as Helene including VA, NC, AR, etc. These are besides the list of immediately nearby areas of Florida and Milton path known so far, in GA, SC, AL, TN, MS, LA, east TX.

Keeping a watchful eye on storm progress and unfolding of developments including dissapation, from now through the weekend is wise.

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