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What is This 'Delta Variant' of COVID-19?

Posted by ETIS International on Tuesday, June 22, 2021
In attempting to answer the question, a start at it is, there is a microscopic thing out there when it stands alone, called a virus. Virus used here is not the slang term, such as when people say 'there's a virus going around'. There may be some sometimes misunderstood truth to that, the virus that goes around, and the virus known as coronavirus, is a microscopic piece of matter, shaped principally like a sphere or a little globe, but with different projections and other features on it that can make people and other beings like animals, sick.

The coronavirus that made much of the world suffer toward the end of 2019, hence the term COVID-19, and still persists as we speak, when placed under a microscope looks something like a corona, or crown like sphere at certain angles.

The biggest concern, in my humble opinion, is not so much the when, where, what shape the advent variant is, but just how possible is it that there might be people behind the spread of whatever variant of the virus seems to work best to achieve evil, greedy aims? Addressing that comes before getting into what all the details are of the delta variant, or any other variant that some miser or group of misers want to see go rampant throughout the earth. Careful choice of words- as if there misers behind facilitating spread of COVID viruses, there are some serious questions as to whether they are actually manufacturing it, which most scientists deny, or, more realistic, use the existing viruses that are already out here, and manipulate the situation, the viruses, and other social engineering devises.

Now COVID-19 that first came out about a year and a half ago, affected the elderly the most. A perspective taken on the whole situation is, the misers might have said, 'that is not good enough', devise or facilitate something that can have a negative effect on younger folk and children too. And that is exactly what COVID-19 delta variant does. It effects children. It might be able to spread faster too, unless precautions set in place.

The delta variant has caused the incoming alarm to go off in a number of countries, that this is the newest biggest threat.

On a basic level, other variants out here in the world have been labeled alpha through delta.

Tiny details of how the virus, the coronavirus, looks, is changed from another variant, corresponding to the name of the variant. Under a microscope variant alpha may looks slightly different than variant delta. The composition of the virus might also be slightly different.

At the end of the tunnel, different variants have different impacts; sort like different models of the same car, there's a 6 cylinder with leather interior, it drives smooth, but looks good for showing up in classy occasions, then there is an 8 cylinder with bucket seats, that might be more suited to show off at the race track. Same name and model of car, one might be given a number or letter after it, or a term like turbo to indicate it goes faster than the other.

Delta variant can accomplish overcoming the vulnerabilities everyone was worried about which fortunately were not as large an aspect as the original COVID-19. As of today, most agree, delta variant of COVID-19 has potentially much faster spread, makes you sicker, and has stronger effects on folks younger than the elderly. Shopping Mall Facebook site

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July 19, 2024 (Message from Management): This site is undergoing changes and link adjustments. Due to the status of too many incidents, such as animal attacks andwildfires , the content of this site that was originally at is being republished to, enabling historical and time sensitive material such as dated blog posts, to be maintained. (Some webpages may be blank, ie

A mission of ETIS: better the environment, of course maintain and take care of what exists already, promote the advancement of technology, facilitate the growth of environmental technologies, and bolster the materialization that all these can be accomplished. Much of our objectives are explained in our longer business name, Environmental Technologies - Information Systems International

What the purpose of this website is:This site is to act as a hub for our many other sites, blogs, video channels, and online presence in general. There is too much content we already have, and too much content there is the potential to add, to cram it all in one site; nevermind the known dangers of putting an entire company content on just one website, if the site goes down for whatever reason, so too does the online presence. Technology changes over time, so our web presence has to adapt and adjust to them. More features of websites can be accomplished now in less space, plus, much of what is viewed online these days is on mobile devices. Motion videos is now most of what viewers want to see, start of year 2024, when just a few years ago, a movie online about yourself, business, or organization, was a hard to get a hold of addition. When this website is complete, it might be an initial starting point to check out our company, our plan, our business plan, plans for environmental betterment, plans to help meet ongoing ambitions and challenges of the earth and beyond; ETISplan, welcome.

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