Wildfire Patterns E to W, W to E

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 Under: wildfires
Posted by wildfire blog on Friday, April 5, 2013

Drawing nearer to technological breakthroughs that will allow us to have 'wildfire season' a thing of the past, in the meantime, there is a look at last year's wildfire trends, 2012, of the westward movement, overlayed with Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons, and that generally, most people think of most areas of California,  not referring to the very northern area that borders with Washington State, as warmer or hotter, longer and sooner, than the east coast.  It would seem logical that wildfire trends in terms of there movement would be higher densities of wildfires moving from west to east.  In preparation for 2012, increasing a command of --knowledge, understanding, etc.-- what are some of the underlying reasons are for the pattern of the shifts in wildfire occurrence might assist in their abatement.


In : wildfires 

Tags: wildfire  hurricane season 

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