Why the SuperTooth Speakerphone Bluetooth Car Kit is a Powerful Solution to Texting while Driving Needs

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, June 22, 2017 Under: technology
Originally posted June 2016

... A subject ETIS strongly believes in, which is the safety of others, especially avoiding accidents through the means of a few easy to access technological devices.  Furthermore, the minimal price that you might have to pay for the device, can far outweigh the price you might have to pay the result of being at fault in a car accident.

The SuperTooth HD Bluetooth Speakerphone Car Kit with Voice to Text and e-Mail, is about as easy to use, and the same size, as dialing the numbers a pocket size cellular flip phone.

Let us address some of the questions that pop right out at you in regards the name of the product.

There could be two loosely constructed categories of buyers of this product.  One group knows a lot of the jargon about communication tech devices, a second group might have seen the words before, have a general idea of they mean or imply, but do not have an in-depth understanding of what is being presented as someone with a doctorate in computer science might.

Regardless of which category you might fall into, the final question arrived at is pretty much the same, which is, ‘why is the name of the product so long?’.

To tech-savvy folks, some of the words might seem redundant.  The product name SuperTooth, likely as a take-off from Bluetooth, which could seem obvious, thereat, it is not necessary to repeat Bluetooth in the title, instead put it in the description for formality’s sake.  Well, for the other group that does not know what Bluetooth wholly implies, let it be left there, so the market knows it is a Bluetooth product, an educated guess as the why.

We cannot really give you the exact answer why the title and description of the product is named what it is, what we are doing is attempting to explain what the product is by breaking down the words.

The next word is HD.  What is HD?  As far as we know, HD usually means high density.

Why say speakerphone car kit, instead of just speakerphone, or just car kit?  There are different types of speakerphones, and different types of car kits.  Some speakerphones might be for inside of an office.  Some car kits might be for exterior detailing.

What does the SuperTooth car kit do?  It provides voice to text.

What is voice to text?  That is when you say something and the device will convert what you said into writing or a text message on your cellular phone, smartphone, or whatever device you ordinarily send your text messages with before the Supertooth kit is connected.  This is one of the important parts, significance, and reasons to buy the product.

Texting while driving has been blamed for numerous tragic car accidents.  The end objective of sending a text or e-mail can still be accomplished, without actually engaging in the act of texting, as in using your fingers and hands that should be on the steering wheel or adjusting the headlights and other driving miscellany, by using the SuperTooth car kit.

Be sure to use the ETIS Fight Against Distracted Driving webpage for further products

Original: https://etismart.com/SuperTooth-Speakerphone-Bluetooth-Car-Kit.php

In : technology 

Tags: bluetooth speakert phone safe-driving 

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