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What is Ultra Deep Water Drilling?

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Friday, May 12, 2017, In : technology 
Posted by ETIS answer/wiki on Monday, February 25, 2013

Ultra deep water drilling, sometimes found ultra-deep, is what it says it is. Ultra deep drilling defined: deep water drilling, usually off-shore, at depths deeper than the gamut, or most of the regular according to public record, of off-shore oil drilling.

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Computer Shopping Malls | What Happened at Search Engine Rankings

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : technology 
Initially posted Thursday, April 4, 2013

The reality of the market interested in computer shopping is evident, and the tide of online computer searches continues--

There are more people in China than the United States.
There are many people in China seeking computers online, inputting search queries.
There are many websites and Internet pages that discuss the term 'shopping malls', whether they are walk-in malls or online malls, that are in China and locations ne...

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Ultra-Deep Oil Drilling :: Before the Rush

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : technology 

Initially posted Monday, February 25, 2013

With increased capacity of oil drills respective the depth they can go, comes a perceived possibility of changes in the dynamics of the industry; geographically, where it is if it there, and if it is there, the effects on the oil exchange stage.

Markedly a geographic region referent, is the South China Sea.

Geologists are steering toward indications that there can be a lot of oil down there, which is supposed t...
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The Fiscal Cliff 2012-2013. Will it be a Cliff, or Just a Date in Time?

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : Finance related 
Posted by ETIS Finance Blog on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

There is no sense in blowing steam about the plans to avoid falling downward off a cliff and hitting rock-bottom hard, do little for the middle-class American and only looks after the big boys raking in millions, already been said:
"The White House responded by dismissing the Plan B measure, with press secretary Jay Carney saying that it "doesn’t meet this test because it can’t pass the Senate and therefore will not protect middl...

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Effects of Human Constraints on Dangerous Animals Might Increase Physical Forms of These Animals Making Them More Dangerous

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : animals, environment, human interaction 
Posted by on Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thank PETA for showing coverage of bears in zoos that, based on the stories, appear to not be doing much more than meeting rock-bottom requirements for keeping an animal captive in a zoo.

We don't want to say, thank the drama that occurred when animals in a personal zoo were released in the Midwest [exact dates to be added soon] about a 2 years ago.

We have to be grateful for the advances in civilization and technology; these are to ma...

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Georgia Wildfires in June 2012: Where Are They? Answers are in this Blog Post. Big Concern is Wildfires in Georgia that Took Place this Time Last Year in June 2011.

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : wildfires 
Initially published June 14, 2012

Outside of Georgia, the wildfires are hard to find information about, it can seem, using sources such as the internet, unless you know exactly where to look.  ABC [News] [June 12, 2012 or thereabout] says Georgia is one of the states that heads the list of states that are being ravaged by wildfire currently.

More accuracy of a description of the situation is there have been, or there are brushfires in  quantities, currently burning or were burning , but...
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