What is Wildfire 'Road-hopping? And why is it Important to Understand this Danger; Why is Road-hopping Dangerous?

May 12, 2017
Initially posted on Friday, August 24, 2012 
'Road-hopping' refers to a wildfire literally hopping onto or across a road.  There are inaccurate notions that a fire will stop dead in its tracks if it does not have fire feeding elements to keep it going, such as trees, leaves, paper, etc.  The reality is, especially when a fire has become so hot and so intense, a fire can still spread and continue to grow, over areas that do not have the fire feeding food.  Other inaccurate notions are, roads and highways aren't going to be burnt by a forest fire.  Exacerbating the situation, is some people wrongly think that if they are on the road, or sitting in their car on the road, to avoid the flames of a wildfire, that they are actually safe.  Making a decision that if you make it to the road during a huge wildfire will guarantee your safety, is a false and unsafe assumption to make.

Small fires that might burn in your fireplace during an evening dinner, might not have the force to road-hop, but, when fires get as big as some of the wildfires witnessed the summer of 2012 in the Midwest U.S., it is found out, fires can be different, in different circumstances.  Instead of a wildfire reaching its endpoints at a highway, or major road, the fire will act more like a legged being, taking on characteristics, in terms of the things it can do.  The very intense wildfires of magnitudes in the square miles, will 'walk' or 'hop' right over a highway, and continue burning more acreage on the other side.  Think a pond or a lake will stop the wildfire, these intense wildfires seem as if they can swim and float right over the water; if water is going to be used to put wildfires out, there has to be enough water force and pressure, to really drown it out, and because the temperature of what it was burning has gotten so hot, the water need to prevent the material from re-catching fire moments later.

  • Highways and roads are not safe-havens for evacuations of wildfires

  • Highways and roads are not reliable stopping structures for the spread of wildfires
  • If it has been determined by fire authorities to evacuate 10 miles from a fire, don't decide to only evacuate 9 miles away because you are on a road or highway, and highway does not seem like fire fodder; it is best to go the entire distance you were or are instructed


original post: http://etisworld.com/answers-wiki-fusion-and-product-select/what-is-wildfire-road-hopping-and-why-is-it-important-to-understand-this-danger-why-is-road-hopping-dangerous-


Importance of Docks and Charging Stations Especially for Droid --(Written August 2012)

May 11, 2017
Originally published August 10th, 2012; some content possibly applicable then might or might not be applicable now. 
Adapted/revised May 10, 2017

For Droid phones, if you do not have the accessories and peripherals that allow the Droid to do its work, that is be the efficient tool of the future, then there is barely any sense in having the phone.

In the old days, if you wanted to make an important phone call, the logistics of an entire business day could be centered around being in a geographic...
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Wildfire Patterns E to W, W to E

May 9, 2017
Posted by wildfire blog on Friday, April 5, 2013

Drawing nearer to technological breakthroughs that will allow us to have 'wildfire season' a thing of the past, in the meantime, there is a look at last year's wildfire trends, 2012, of the westward movement, overlayed with Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons, and that generally, most people think of most areas of California,  not referring to the very northern area that borders with Washington State, as warmer or hotter, longer and sooner...

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Computer Shopping Malls | What Happened at Search Engine Rankings

May 9, 2017
Initially posted Thursday, April 4, 2013

The reality of the market interested in computer shopping is evident, and the tide of online computer searches continues--

There are more people in China than the United States.
There are many people in China seeking computers online, inputting search queries.
There are many websites and Internet pages that discuss the term 'shopping malls', whether they are walk-in malls or online malls, that are in China and locations ne...

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Ultra-Deep Oil Drilling :: Before the Rush

May 9, 2017

Initially posted Monday, February 25, 2013

With increased capacity of oil drills respective the depth they can go, comes a perceived possibility of changes in the dynamics of the industry; geographically, where it is if it there, and if it is there, the effects on the oil exchange stage.

Markedly a geographic region referent, is the South China Sea.

Geologists are steering toward indications that there can be a lot of oil down there, which is supposed t...
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The Fiscal Cliff 2012-2013. Will it be a Cliff, or Just a Date in Time?

May 9, 2017
Posted by ETIS Finance Blog on Tuesday, December 18, 2012

There is no sense in blowing steam about the plans to avoid falling downward off a cliff and hitting rock-bottom hard, do little for the middle-class American and only looks after the big boys raking in millions, already been said:
"The White House responded by dismissing the Plan B measure, with press secretary Jay Carney saying that it "doesn’t meet this test because it can’t pass the Senate and therefore will not protect middl...

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Hurricane Sandy Takes Tolls. New York and New Jersey Hit Hard by Hurricane Sandy ||:New News About the Two News|

May 9, 2017
Initially posted October 30, 2012

39 people are reported dead in the continental U.S. as result of Hurricane Sandy.

There are areas of New Jersey that are still not able to be identified as to what exactly the extent of the damage is, and possibly other human injuries.  2.5 million power outages [for New Jersey per CBSnews.com today].

Same source also says 2.3 million power outages in New York, and 1.2 million power outages in Pennsylvania.

Equipment for locating trapped people in storm ...
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100,000 People Without Power from Hurricane in the Last Few Days of August if from Hurricane Isaac. Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas are States Mainly Affected

May 9, 2017
Initially posted on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 

Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas, in that order according to reports of the number of people without power, are states mainly affected by Hurricane Isaac, late summer, 2012.

Some houses are still underwater, some are only partially, with gradations between.

Many livestock and cattle are seen affected by the rising waters.



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Hurricane Isaac = Not Before Summer Out. 2012. Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas Hit and Affected. Billions to Recover.

May 9, 2017
Initially posted September 4, 2012

Hurricane 'Season', did not go without leaving its mark this year.  It hit in the area of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas.

There are a mixture of elements involved, Hurricane Isaac, it seems to be.

The area geographically, where the hurricane hit, is an area where intense rains and winds, sometimes even up to hurricanes, if they hit, hit.  That is a part of the vacation spot sometimes, and makes the area what it is. The residents there have some un...
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Effects of Human Constraints on Dangerous Animals Might Increase Physical Forms of These Animals Making Them More Dangerous

May 9, 2017
Posted by ETISworld.com on Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thank PETA for showing coverage of bears in zoos that, based on the stories, appear to not be doing much more than meeting rock-bottom requirements for keeping an animal captive in a zoo.

We don't want to say, thank the drama that occurred when animals in a personal zoo were released in the Midwest [exact dates to be added soon] about a 2 years ago.

We have to be grateful for the advances in civilization and technology; these are to ma...

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ARSON CAUSING WILDFIRES 2012 ? :In the Realm of Possibility

May 9, 2017
Initially published June 28, 2012

There are some big wildfires raging right now which are reported to be human caused or started in areas that were not pure forest elements.

These days, you are probably not going to find someone outright overtly committing an act of arson.

Also and important, the concept of fires merging, or the 'whoosh' effect of several fires coming together as one big fire alluded to in the previous post, see "military property in jeopardy...", is REAL; as one of the exc...
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Georgia Wildfires in June 2012: Where Are They? Answers are in this Blog Post. Big Concern is Wildfires in Georgia that Took Place this Time Last Year in June 2011.

May 9, 2017
Initially published June 14, 2012

Outside of Georgia, the wildfires are hard to find information about, it can seem, using sources such as the internet, unless you know exactly where to look.  ABC [News] [June 12, 2012 or thereabout] says Georgia is one of the states that heads the list of states that are being ravaged by wildfire currently.

More accuracy of a description of the situation is there have been, or there are brushfires in  quantities, currently burning or were burning , but...
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Portable Computer Nomenclature

May 7, 2017
Initially posted in Foundation Knowledge and Information blog on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Over the past year, portable computers for the consumer, meaning personal computers that you can carry around and is not so big and cumbersome transporting the device is a project, have taken on some new names and forms.

As it stands now, there is a very fine line, one that is gray area, between a cellular phone that is equipped with almost everything short of an actual computer, and small mob...

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Progress of House Rebuilding Post Wildfires Summer of 2012

May 7, 2017
An Idea of the Status of Houses in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in November 2012, After Wildfires Summer of 2012?
Posted by ETIS International on Monday, November 19, 2012
According to local online newspapers that cover Colorado Springs, Colorado, on November 2, 2012, there has been 1 house rebuilt.
Meanwhile, there is a long road ahead.
High-end estimates of the number of houses destroyed in the Colorado Springs area resultant of wildfire the last week of June 2012, was about 350 ...
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What the Next Move of Mountain Lions and Bears Might Be, an Article Adapted from October 2011

May 7, 2017
What Mountain Lions and Bears are Doing Next
Updated on October 21, 2011
Revised/adapted May 7, 2017

Time continues on, so does technology, population growth [in many areas], and the development of infrastructure and structure for man's doings.

So, as man builds, animals have to move for their survival accordingly.

This is what is happening, even in America today.

There have been within the last 4 years (as of 2011), bear hunts, just outside the major cities of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and not to...
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Have High Tech Tablets, Cellular Phones, and Computers, While Still Helping to Save the Environment

May 7, 2017
Updated on November 19, 2009
Revised/adapted May 7, 2017

Often asked is how to help save the environment and still get the best of high-tech, like the latest cellular phones, tablets, or PDAs.

Some, since the 1970s for instance, when environmental pressures from 'green activists', and slowly evolving legislation started to have the slightest impact on technology the United States was producing, have altogether ignored how to save the environment when it comes time to be a consumer.

The frank opin...
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Westward Movement of Placements and Locations of Wildfires

May 7, 2017
Written August 29, 2012

What has been witnessed about the largest wildfires, during the summer of 2012 , is the locations of these wildfires on the continental U.S. in the beginning of the summer were toward the center of the United States, such as Colorado and near the Great Lakes.  There was also the looming prospects of wildfires in Georgia, which this time, wildfires did not materialize to severe degree.  Later in the summer, wildfires appeared in Montana, Idaho, Washington State, and Cali...

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Lightning in the Wet and Dry; Comment on What Wildfires are a Manifestation of

May 7, 2017

Posted by ETISworld.com on Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The summer of 2012, the continental U.S. has witnessed, popularly media covered, 2 types of extreme weather conditions.  One is lightning storms accompanied by severe rains and winds, and another is wildfires, more accurately, some conditions precursor to wildfires, which have been blamed by lightning as well.

When wildfires occurred after a lightning strike, and there are several fires caused within just a few miles of each other aro...

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Are Law Statutes on Pace with Nanotechnology?

May 6, 2017
Written August 29, 2012

Nanotechnology is advancing at an exceptionally high rate.  Are the laws that address the concerns which emanate and correlate to the dimensions of nanotechnology on pace with the technologies?


Original: http://etisworld.com/law-blog/posts-before-blog-platform

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Wild Bears and Wild Fires. Wild Bear Warnings, As Wildfires Fought and Evacuations. Northern California Focus. What Happens Next?

May 6, 2017
Originally published August 23, 2012

Polar bears, which can travel nearly impossible distances, through the water, and land, and climb vertical heights as if they had a rope pulling them, might be coming from the west.  This means the coast of upper northwestern part of California.

Brown or black bears might be coming down from the areas just north of the northernmost state line of California.  Them traveling southward into California.

Then, logically in between, there are bears that are mixed b...
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