Marijuana in Perspective (Adapted from July 2014)

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Friday, May 19, 2017 Under: Ethics
Adapted in less dramatic words May 18, 2017, a famous Greek scholar from long ago knew the names of over 60 herbs, and the famed Chinese doctor Li Shizhen had about 1,900 entries with over 1000 herbs in the Gangmu, 'Compendium'.
In consideration of potential medical uses of marijuana these days, obviously the substance has pros and cons; but, the moral of the story here is to keep in mind that there are many other herbs and substances that might be going untapped that could be used to cure illnesses, instead of leaning on marijuana.

Original blog post:


In : Ethics 

Tags: marijuana  disproportionate  medical  medicinal  gangmu  herbs 

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