Lightning in the Wet and Dry; Comment on What Wildfires are a Manifestation of

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Sunday, May 7, 2017 Under: wildfires

Posted by on Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The summer of 2012, the continental U.S. has witnessed, popularly media covered, 2 types of extreme weather conditions.  One is lightning storms accompanied by severe rains and winds, and another is wildfires, more accurately, some conditions precursor to wildfires, which have been blamed by lightning as well.

When wildfires occurred after a lightning strike, and there are several fires caused within just a few miles of each other around the same time, it has been additionally reported that many of these fires ignited during extremely scorch conditions.

Exacerbating the situation, is that trees that acted as the fodder for some of these fires, were drained of liquid that was within them from various insects.  The insects which did these might be different from region to region.

CFCs in the air, are increases in 'holes' in the ozone layer, are not helping bring about conditions that are not the scorch and facilitating a primer for wildfires, in forests, national parks, heavily wooded areas, and grass areas.


Original post:

In : wildfires 

Tags: wildfires  scortch  lightning  common denominator 

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