Importance of Docks and Charging Stations Especially for Droid --(Written August 2012)

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, May 11, 2017 Under: technology
Originally published August 10th, 2012; some content possibly applicable then might or might not be applicable now. 
Adapted/revised May 10, 2017

For Droid phones, if you do not have the accessories and peripherals that allow the Droid to do its work, that is be the efficient tool of the future, then there is barely any sense in having the phone.

In the old days, if you wanted to make an important phone call, the logistics of an entire business day could be centered around being in a geographic location where you could make or await the call.  That means, either rushing to the office, many times in your car, delaying arrival to work because you are on the phone at a residence, or postponing a meeting with your next client because you are stuck on the phone in one office.

Cellular phones made headway as a solution to these situations.  However, if you use a cellular phone for business, you might still run into problems if you cannot keep them charged, to the extent they need to for quality calls.  managing your phone while you are talking or driving, and keeping your Droid in good condition, so that it will last long enough to make quality calls, and be in condition for more than just a few, can be accomplished with the proper mounts and docks.

initial post:

In : technology 

Tags: docking stations  charging  phone 

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