Facebook Article Share: Pre-Clovis Civilization in Florida...

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Monday, September 25, 2017
Pre-Clovis civilization in Florida; settlement 1,500 years earlier than previously believed
Article site that was posted: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160513151221.htm

ETIS notes:
Ancestry of Americans has recently started to get increased limelight especially if there parentage goes back to Colonial days. Social media and online research tools have allowed collecting information faster. As many know, there were instances of intermarriage amongst the Natives. The complexity of what comprises an ancestry, which may have always been there, might now have wider exposure in consideration of finds like the one described in the article linked to here. The content of the article seems reasonable, referring to not presenting unjustified guesses of weirdly formed beings from billions of years ago.

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