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Why the SuperTooth Speakerphone Bluetooth Car Kit is a Powerful Solution to Texting while Driving Needs

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, June 22, 2017, In : technology 
Originally posted June 2016

... A subject ETIS strongly believes in, which is the safety of others, especially avoiding accidents through the means of a few easy to access technological devices.  Furthermore, the minimal price that you might have to pay for the device, can far outweigh the price you might have to pay the result of being at fault in a car accident.

The SuperTooth HD Bluetooth Speakerphone Car Kit with Voice to Text and e-Mail, is about as easy to use, and the same size, as diali...
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What is Ultra Deep Water Drilling?

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Friday, May 12, 2017, In : technology 
Posted by ETIS answer/wiki on Monday, February 25, 2013

Ultra deep water drilling, sometimes found ultra-deep, is what it says it is. Ultra deep drilling defined: deep water drilling, usually off-shore, at depths deeper than the gamut, or most of the regular according to public record, of off-shore oil drilling.

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Explain what Aggregration and Agglomeration of Nanoparticles is in Simple Terms. Why are Aggregration/Agglomeration Concerns; Why is it a Nanotoxicology Topic?

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Friday, May 12, 2017, In : technology 
Posted originally on Thursday, August 30, 2012

Straightforwardly put, aggregation, and agglomeration, both refer to when a quantity of something is considered all one mass.
Based on actual semantics of the word, aggregate, there seems some irony in applying aggregate to the tight fusing and bounding together of nanoparticles, while agglomeration is used when describing loosely bound particles.  The application of the words aggregate for tightly bound and agglomerate for loosely bound, report...

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Importance of Docks and Charging Stations Especially for Droid --(Written August 2012)

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, May 11, 2017, In : technology 
Originally published August 10th, 2012; some content possibly applicable then might or might not be applicable now. 
Adapted/revised May 10, 2017

For Droid phones, if you do not have the accessories and peripherals that allow the Droid to do its work, that is be the efficient tool of the future, then there is barely any sense in having the phone.

In the old days, if you wanted to make an important phone call, the logistics of an entire business day could be centered around being in a geographic...
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Computer Shopping Malls | What Happened at Search Engine Rankings

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : technology 
Initially posted Thursday, April 4, 2013

The reality of the market interested in computer shopping is evident, and the tide of online computer searches continues--

There are more people in China than the United States.
There are many people in China seeking computers online, inputting search queries.
There are many websites and Internet pages that discuss the term 'shopping malls', whether they are walk-in malls or online malls, that are in China and locations ne...

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Ultra-Deep Oil Drilling :: Before the Rush

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, In : technology 

Initially posted Monday, February 25, 2013

With increased capacity of oil drills respective the depth they can go, comes a perceived possibility of changes in the dynamics of the industry; geographically, where it is if it there, and if it is there, the effects on the oil exchange stage.

Markedly a geographic region referent, is the South China Sea.

Geologists are steering toward indications that there can be a lot of oil down there, which is supposed t...
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Portable Computer Nomenclature

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Sunday, May 7, 2017, In : technology 
Initially posted in Foundation Knowledge and Information blog on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Over the past year, portable computers for the consumer, meaning personal computers that you can carry around and is not so big and cumbersome transporting the device is a project, have taken on some new names and forms.

As it stands now, there is a very fine line, one that is gray area, between a cellular phone that is equipped with almost everything short of an actual computer, and small mob...

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