Browsing Archive: June, 2017

Toddlers and Dangerous Animals at Recreational Spots

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, June 22, 2017, In : animals, environment, human interaction 
Posted by ETISworld on Monday, July 4, 2016
It can't be harped on enough, to be careful when toddlers are near dangerous animals that are naturally somewhat predatory in the wild.  This is not to say that those in their authority were not careful.
There are some dimensions that need to always be looked at when in an environment where there is a combination of toddler aged kids and wild animals.
Toddlers will nod there head yes, they understand a concept, then for some unpredictable reason within...
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Why the SuperTooth Speakerphone Bluetooth Car Kit is a Powerful Solution to Texting while Driving Needs

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, June 22, 2017, In : technology 
Originally posted June 2016

... A subject ETIS strongly believes in, which is the safety of others, especially avoiding accidents through the means of a few easy to access technological devices.  Furthermore, the minimal price that you might have to pay for the device, can far outweigh the price you might have to pay the result of being at fault in a car accident.

The SuperTooth HD Bluetooth Speakerphone Car Kit with Voice to Text and e-Mail, is about as easy to use, and the same size, as diali...
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Forest Fire Not Too Far from Philadelphia May 2016

Posted by ETIS Hub Blog on Thursday, June 22, 2017,
Posted by Etisworld wildfire post on Thursday, May 26, 2016

Around just before the middle of May 2016, was a wildfire that might be considered an eye-catcher/opener.  Burlington County Forest Fire, where over 400 acres was burning.  The forest fire, might have actually been comprised of more than one fire, reference Pemberton Township, Tabernacle, Woodland Townships.  Fire technically in New Jersey, and ominously close to Philadelphia.

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