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Posted by ETIS foundation knowledge & information blog on Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Distinguishing the difference between ecology and environment

Distinguishing the difference between ecology and environment is important because there are newly formed terms evolving almost everyday beginning with either 'eco' or 'enviro', contributing to leading to the need of knowing what applies to what.  Prerequisite, might be what are the meanings of these terms, defined and implied?  Often, the meanings of the two de facto prefixes all drive at the same thing, which essentially is, things that do not overtly hurt the natural creations of the environment we live in, like trees, the air we have to breathe, and water.

To minimize confusion, which in result, should maximize clarity and effective marketing, hereunder is an effort at crystallizing the basics of what is meant by --with consideration of the nuances of-- 'eco' and 'enviro'.

Ecology, relevant and in context, means: a branch of biology that deals with the relations/ interactions of organisms and their environment. 

Notes-- we humans are included in 'organisms' described above, according to many popular science teaching texts, especially in North America.  Ecology could mean the interaction of humans and the environment.  Hence, 'bio', accumulating to biology, anent ecology, can also be considered subsumed by ecology, insofar as life forms.  Other organisms, for today's usage, means, every small living creature from microscopic size to humans, to huge animals. Organisms usually includes trees, plants, vegetation, or green, where the 'green'/ 'go green' slogan is derived.

Often times what could happen, when you say something like 'ecopositive', there arise redundancies and conflicts of interest.  To one organism, such as a human being, his or her environment can include other organisms.  So when you say something is ecopositive, somewhere on the food chain and laws of nature, an organism is going to not be able to take as much advantage of sustaining life as others.  You come to the old cynical riddle that critics have made about environmentalists for years, such as, do you want the birds, or the cattle we eat, to overrun us, humans?  Ecopositive is not discriminatory a term, it basically means, everything in the ecology is given the fair chance at life, awhile, for the laws of nature to continue, humans have to eat.  If everything is given a chance to live forever, even vegetation, excluding being a vegetarian to help save the animals, to be literally completely ecopositive, you would have to forego every kind of food in existence, and so would every other organism in existence, an impossible scenario.

The environmental saving momentum is aimed at preserving, bettering, saving, and so on, every aspect of the environment, including the organisms discussed in ecology.  Importantly, in addition to just organisms, the the term environmental as a field, covers elements such as water and air, keeping those clean as well.  Therefore, eco-something, really does not cover the comprehensive aim of what those of us concerned about the environment are trying to accomplish.  The accomplishment, is to keep all these things in good condition, human health, animals, plants, water, air, and so on. 

One might ask, --what is the line on natural life cycles, and where do  environmental concerns come in?  This is an area that ETIS refines what some ideal goals for the environment, are.  It is about drawing lines between maliciously harmful acts, and ideal environmental balance.  An illustration can be, dumping toxic pollutants in the millions of pounds on a given day into freshwater sources that human beings rely on to drink from, when there are viable alternative methods to ridding the toxic pollutants, that might not be nearly as harmful.  An example of these alternatives, are recycling for energy use by means of a process that does not pollute; the toxic dumping thereby considered contrast to being environmentally responsible.  The toxic dumping and its effect, is no longer a healthy balance.

The threshold of viable environmental-better solutions to polluting,  changes, as advances in environmental technologies occur. 20 years ago, perhaps some pollutants in the air was an inescapable by-product, in order for humans to have energy, and drive cars.  Now that it is realized that there are means to drive without polluting the air as much, the responsibility to ensure vehicles do not pollute as much, increases.

Environment, relevant, and in context, means the whole of everything, sometimes referred to as the aggregate, milieu, or surroundings, of a something.  In the field of ecology, the environment is usually considered the surroundings of an organism.  ETIS goes beyond working to better just the minimal surroundings.  ETIS realizes that in order to have the ideal balance needed for life to continue 'the way it is supposed to', the surroundings of all things need to be taken into consideration, in as much as living and non-living, organisms, and non-organisms.  Wheretofore, the list  of what we are concerned about includes, humans, animals, plants, the air, water, ozone layer, as primary to name a few.  Ecology, from a purely lexical, or word meaning, standpoint, not so much as an often implied word use, is not comprehensive enough to cover, all that we need, and work, to sustain.

ETIS strives to sustain healthy environmental balance on all levels.  Reflected in that, are the products we deal in, in contrast to just being eco-pro and like phrases in one aspect on the surface, yet harmful to the environment in another.

Environment the definition, in context of the ETIS business name, and the overarching business objectives as a generality, is not really talking about a 'computer environment', as referred to in the computer lingo or lexicon, which is the configuration and how a group of computers and software are situated; unless stated directly.  For example, ETIS might market software to increase computer efficiency of your computer network environment.

In the future, computers might be considered more an aspect of the human and everyday living environment, especially with the emergence of biotechnology.

Advents of technology demand that updates of knowledge and information be added.

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