Where are things, heading into the 2nd three thirds of 2013?

Posted by Finance Blog on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The housing market, how much has it bounced back? Is the housing market status one big amalgam that can be judged as good, bad, or bouncing back, or, are there many different dynamics that comprise it, where there are aspects that have improved, and aspects that are still about the same?

Mortgage rates for an average residential property now are almost 'unthinkable' in terms of how low they are. Rates in the 3s. A good thing, bad thing, for everybody?

The rate of unemployment, does it have a marked improvement, or has it become something we have gotten used to?

How much money was the damage from wildfires last year?

With global warming and a 'widening hole in the ozone layer', chances are this year is going to see more wildfires, that are going to be bigger, hotter and more fierce, than 2012.

Is money set aside for the aftermath? We might not know what the cost is going to be to repair the damage until the damage is done.

Resulting from wildfire damage of 2012, are the amounts of houses either rebuilt or replaced, satisfactory?

Are we going to see hurricanes this year, at the magnitude of the destructive ones seen last year? Are there any differences in the way houses are being built in preparation?

Tags: housing  real estate  market  hurrican  wildfire 
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