Where is the Geography with the Most Gravity Now?

July 12, 2016
World economy.
Let us think back to the Great Flood.
Many textbooks in he U.S. for many years were analyzed by analyzers to be 'Euro-centered', in terms of who modern history top economies were and are.
Netherlands, France, England, for instance were historically considered high in the ranks of having large amounts of money, in which they could finance expeditions, especially during the 17th to 20th centuries.
Let us quickly jump to July 2016.
Recently economies such as Nigeria, South Africa, and Egypt, have been looked at as big producers, especially in the continent context.
Roma society is accounting for a huge percentage of world economy.
Eastern countries such as Japan and China, have made industrialization strides, as assessed by many Americans.
Countries also nearby, such as India, and in the Arab region, are now producing cars, nice cars; 30 years ago, it was almost unheard of here in America.
Brexit issues have emerged to media readers, as potentially having major impacts on economies such as the U.S.
In consideration of what was said just before these last 2 lines, a question might be, where is all of the economic changes and shifts actually going, and how fast are these changes going to have a readily realizable impact?

History has shown us time and time again, how large economic shifts could play out or materialize.


On the Subject of the Right Balance of Reaction to Republicans in Consideration of the Past, Present, Future, and Overcoming Government Financial Gridlock

October 21, 2013
This is an outline of the original article.

There are some Republicans, especially over the long history of the United States, referring especially to ranking officials, that have done some very commendable things for this country.

The bulk of energy used to voice grievances against Republicans in the aftertaste of the recent government gridlock ordeal, when looking at the goals for America, the energy when directed toward constructive strategies for the development we are looking for, has its ...
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Debt Ceiling Differing Positions: To Raise or to Maintain?

October 4, 2013
This is the short version of the original text.

Already today sticking out like a torch in an murky underground tunnel, are news stories in slightly different position camps with threatening undertones, with some saying the debt ceiling has to be raised or it is a financial disaster worse than 'government shutdown', and the complementary camp holding that the debt ceiling can for discussion contrast sake, does not have to be the focal point of change in priority over other strategies, responsi...
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2 What Ifs? Reference Potential BoA, Wells Fargo Sued by NYAG

May 6, 2013
First what if?: what if the suit actually happens

2nd what if?: what would happen if the suit was actually presented to court?

Let's look at some of the other aspects involved,
  • BoA and Wells Fargo have made good on some of the deals and settlements respective to mass groupings of house-owners in other states.
  • Actually at the desk of a mortgage department employee, it is more challenging than meets the eye to determine the absolute yes/no condition of each applicant, especially when there are hun...

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Topline - Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co./X-Body :Reciprocal Concept as a Plan for Real Estate Values?

April 24, 2013
"X-BODY Announces Multi-Million Dollar Development Alliance With Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., A Leading Pharmaceutical Company In China, To Develop Novel Therapeutic Antibodies..."  hit headlines earlier in April on an international level.  Headlines however ostensibly in sector framework.  In other words, unless you were looking for news of that subject, it might have been hard to find.

Version of the article located at   and  starts out with "WALTHAM, Mass. and LIANYUNGANG, China, Apr...
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When Wildfires Beyond Expectations Overlays the Realities of QE Played Out

April 23, 2013
Not everything in this post is written tightly strung together.  A few thoughts for the moment:

QE, quantitative easing.

Remember a few years ago, when hurricanes went through the southern part of the U.S., and people with house owner insurance policies, had their policies fail to pay out?  What guarantees that the same sort of thing won't happen again, if wildfires come blowing through the land in the 10s of thousands of square miles at a time, and far more destructive than what anyone could h...
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Fiscal 2014 Budget Plan Has Been Presented

April 10, 2013
The 2014 fiscal budget plan has had presentments in the news.  Some get more money, some get less money.

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Where are things, heading into the 2nd three thirds of 2013?

April 9, 2013

The housing market, how much has it bounced back? Is the housing market status one big amalgam that can be judged as good, bad, or bouncing back, or, are there many different dynamics that comprise it, where there are aspects that have improved, and aspects that are still about the same?

Mortgage rates for an average residential property now are almost 'unthinkable' in terms of how low they are. Rates in the 3s. A good thing, bad thing, for everybody?

The rate of unemployment, does it hav...

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The Fiscal Cliff 2012-2013. Will it be a Cliff, or Just a Date in Time?

December 18, 2012
There is no sense in blowing steam about the plans to avoid falling downward off a cliff and hitting rock-bottom hard, do little for the middle-class American and only looks after the big boys raking in millions, already been said:
"The White House responded by dismissing the Plan B measure, with press secretary Jay Carney saying that it "doesn’t meet this test because it can’t pass the Senate and therefore will not protect middle class families," in a statement." [http://www.latimes.com/...
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An Idea of the Status of Houses in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in November 2012, After Wildfires Summer of 2012?

November 19, 2012
According to local online newspapers that cover Colorado Springs, Colorado, on November 2, 2012, there has been 1 house rebuilt.
Meanwhile, there is a long road ahead.
High-end estimates of the number of houses destroyed in the Colorado Springs area resultant of wildfire the last week of June 2012, was about 350 houses.

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