Business philosophy when founding of ETIS International:

ETIS circumscribed a conglomeration of 'business design plans' that would take into consideration continuously advancing technologies of the both of two areas.  The first area is comprised of computers, {hardware, software, peripherals}, IT, information systems, communications, {phones, telephony, VOIP, online communication, teleconferencing, online live video, etc.}.  The second area comprised of what can briefly be described as environmental Related.  These include environmental laws and standards, envirotech products, and technologies to reduce unhealthy impacts on the environment.  The conglomeration of these two were circumscribed, and was then made tangible, materialized for interspersed business. Now, this, what some view as a field, is popularly referred to as, environmental technology, envirotech, and vernacular.  Tangible in this context means developing a product line, and identifying viable clients for their brokerage. This in toto was once an area of business that had virtually no analyzability because there were very few or relatively almost no competitors to contrast.
The scope of products and business exchange was chosen to be international, thence ETIS International, whereas two of the primary reasons for this:

  1. Ensuring an available spectrum of products to choose from.  Some geographic areas were further advanced than others in terms of having envirotech products accessible for acquisition.
  2. ETIS foresaw upon its founding, a dramatic increase of business exchange on the international plane, such as what we have today, with almost limitless buying and selling possibilities resultant of the prevalence of internet and online transactions. Shopping Mall Facebook site

ETIS Inlet
Resilient representative site. (If other main sites are not available, please use this one for more about us; has links)

ETIS Channel at YouTube... EnviroComputer

Computers and phones at

Enviro/eco safer and related products at

Main company Facebook page.. ETISfirst

Where ETIS sites are on the web, relational diagram format