What is Wildfire 'Road-hopping? And why is it Important to Understand this Danger; Why is Road-hopping Dangerous?

August 24, 2012
'Road-hopping' refers to a wildfire literally hopping onto or across a road.  There are inaccurate notions that a fire will stop dead in its tracks if it does not have fire feeding elements to keep it going, such as trees, leaves, paper, etc.  The reality is, especially when a fire has become so hot and so intense, a fire can still spread and continue to grow, over areas that do not have the fire feeding food.  Other inaccurate notions are, roads and highways aren't going to be burnt by a forest fire.  Exacerbating the situation, is some people wrongly think that if they are on the road, or sitting in their car on the road, to avoid the flames of a wildfire, that they are actually safe.  Making a decision that if you make it to the road during a huge wildfire will guarantee your safety, is a false and unsafe assumption to make.

Small fires that might burn in your fireplace during an evening dinner, might not have the force to road-hop, but, when fires get as big as some of the wildfires witnessed the summer of 2012 in the Midwest U.S., it is found out, fires can be different, in different circumstances.  Instead of a wildfire reaching its endpoints at a highway, or major road, the fire will act more like a legged being, taking on characteristics, in terms of the things it can do.  The very intense wildfires of magnitudes in the square miles, will 'walk' or 'hop' right over a highway, and continue burning more acreage on the other side.  Think a pond or a lake will stop the wildfire, these intense wildfires seem as if they can swim and float right over the water; if water is going to be used to put wildfires out, there has to be enough water force and pressure, to really drown it out, and because the temperature of what it was burning has gotten so hot, the water need to prevent the material from re-catching fire moments later.

  • highways and roads are not safe-havens for evacuations of wildfires
  • highways and roads are not reliable stopping structures for the spread of wildfires
  • if it has been determined by fire authorities to evacuate 10 miles from a fire, don't decide to only evacuate 9 miles away because you are on a road or highway, and highway does not seem like fire fodder; it is best to go the entire distance you were or are instructed

How Many Laptops are Stolen Every Year?

August 16, 2012
LoJack says 600,000... "Fact - Over 600 000 laptops are stolen every year; many are taken during a vehicle or home break-in lifted while unattended in coffee shops and stolen from school dorm rooms. Losing your computer and the files stored on it is frustrating and costly"

Click here on the picture here:

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Vegas software... is Vegas a brand, a company, what is Vegas Movie Studio and Vegas Pro?

August 16, 2012
Vegas Pro is a collection of software.  Explained in easy to understand words, Vegas software is to help with making movies; and Vegas is a name used for a set of this software, kind of like a line of products, the developer of the software is Sony.  The software, amongst its capabilities, is for 'creating', and 'editing' movies.
Sony says Vegas Pro is designed for video and broadcast professionals. 
Vegas certainly is not software produced by the residents of Las Vegas, Nevada, or gifts desig...
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Systemtech. Please Provide Background About, ...And where is Skanderborg?

August 16, 2012
From their website, http://www.systemtech.com/en/
"Systemtech is a Microsoft-based consulting and software-development company specialized in the education sector..."

The office location they have for record on their website is in Skanderborg.
Skanderborg, is a town in Denmark.  Sources say the town a population just under 20,000, within Skanderborg the municipality the population just under 60,000.

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Individual Software. Is that the name of a kind of product, a software category, or a company?

August 16, 2012
Individual Software is a company. You might see products advertised such as 'Individual Software ResumeMaker'.  This does not necessarily mean that the software is constrained to only being able to be used by individuals or something will happen to your computer; it means the developer of the software is Individual Software, and the name of the product, as you can see from the actual box is ResumeMaker.
Individual Software is a privately held company and located in California.

Click on the pict...

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What is the Difference Between the IP in VoIP and IP in SIP?

August 14, 2012
To begin, VoIP stands for voice over Internet Protocol.  This answers part of the question.  The IP in SIP, does not stand entirely for Internet Protocol, rather, Initiation Protocol.  The common denominator left, is, Protocol.  SIP, is the acronym for Session Internet Protocol, can inter-relate with VoIP, such as setting when to start and stop VoIP.

For more about the general operation of SIP, a webpage, is http://whatismyipaddress.com/sip
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What does GPS Stand for? What is a GPS System? How Does a GPS Work?

August 7, 2012
GPS Stands for: 
Global Positioning System

What is a GPS System: 
For practical purposes, a GPS system, as in one you can buy, allows you to gain and keep access to location and time information.  The advantage to having such a device, is that in places or regions of the earth where climatic and weather conditions are harsh, and, or, there is barely to no civilization existent, including no electrical outlets, and no time keeping devices maintained by the population indigenous there, if there is...
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August 7, 2012
A robot about 13 feet tall, can 'walk' at about 6mph, and controlled by a person that sits inside of it.  Summer 2012, you can buy it for about $1.3 million.

News stories have been on the increase in the United States since about the middle of July 2012.

Suidobashi Heavy Industries, comprised of a team of Japanese engineers, robot and hobby enthusiasts, have developed and built the robot.

The robot seems to take its name from the leader of the team, Kogoro Kurata.

  [pictures courtesy:  http://ww...
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What is a Smartphone, and What is the Difference Between Smartphone, Cell Phone, and a Computer?

August 7, 2012
Smartphones, is a term, and becoming more popular as a name, and nomenclature used for lines of products that correspond to the upgrades in technology, for the technological devices which are evolving out of the cellular phones, and have some functions of computers.  Smartphones is becoming a popular product and name in the past few years.  
There has been an increased demand for cellular phones to carry and be equipped with an increased amount of capacities and features found on computers. ...
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What is a wiki?

August 7, 2012
Wiki is used to denote and describe a set of webpages that act as an analog to on online encyclopedia.  Good examples of wikis, are Wikipedia.
Usually wiki have categories for their entries.  Although wikis may be an analog to encyclopedia, meaning similar to for their common function, a distinguishing feature, is often wikis are open to being edited and contributed to as an ongoing process.  If you were to purchase a hard copy paper encyclopedia, the ink on the pages is preset and permanent. ...
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ETIS International Answers and Wiki fusion with links to products you can purchase related to entries

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About This Blog
This blog is a fusion of 'Answers' and 'Wiki'.  Where appropriate, products available for purchase that match the topic are included in the answer or wiki.  We cut out the worthless clutter, cut to the chaste, and provide you with who, what, when, where, how, in crystallized form.
Sometimes an answer to a question asked in the 'answers' format or setting can be answered in the wiki format setting, and vice versa, sometimes they can be answered in both, or sometimes neither.  A combination of 'answers' and 'wiki' does the job best.  Why have 2 separate pages answering the same questions twice in redundancy, when you can have the answers wiki fusion?
Once you have your answers, why leave the webpage and start a whole new search looking for the product you want to buy, risk losing or confusing the information you gained in the myriad of other webpages out there, when you can have a few of the best product selections right there on the same page?
This is what we intend, strive, and hope to accomplish.
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