Browsing Archive: February, 2013

What is Ultra Deep Water Drilling?

Posted by ETIS answer/wiki on Monday, February 25, 2013,
Ultra deep water drilling, sometimes found ultra-deep, is what it says it is, ultra defined; deep water drilling, usually off-shore, at depths deeper than the gamut, or most of the regular according to public record, of off-shore oil drilling. 

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Why is Composting, Compost, Compostable, Considered Environmentally Safer?

Posted by on Friday, February 22, 2013, In : Beginning Building Blocks 
If you were to contrast for example, leaving plastic bags lying on the ground that are not made of compostable materials, to, plastic bags that are made of compostable material, the non-compostable materials would still be lying on the ground for a much longer length of time, and can be quite an eye-sore.

The basic idea of compostable products, is that the product can compost into the ground after an amount of time much sooner than those that are not.  Once the material composts, then it can b...
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What this webpage is:

ETIS International Answers and Wiki fusion with links to products you can purchase related to entries

Note: Product purchasing links in older posts might become outdated and therefore unavailable

About This Blog

This blog is a fusion of 'Answers' and 'Wiki'.  Where appropriate, products available for purchase that match the topic are included in the answer or wiki.  We cut out the worthless clutter, cut to the chaste, and provide you with who, what, when, where, how, in crystallized form.

Sometimes an answer to a question asked in the 'answers' format or setting can be answered in the wiki format setting, and vice versa, sometimes they can be answered in both, or sometimes neither.  A combination of 'answers' and 'wiki' does the job best.  Why have 2 separate pages answering the same questions twice in redundancy, when you can have the answers wiki fusion?

Once you have your answers, why leave the webpage and start a whole new search looking for the product you want to buy, risk losing or confusing the information you gained in the myriad of other webpages out there, when you can have a few of the best product selections right there on the same page?

This is what we intend, strive, and hope to accomplish.

We will additionally at times, import material from other sites, blogs, and resources, and state to the utmost degree we can, its original source.

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