New announcements page in blog format

Posted by on Monday, November 17, 2014
November 17, 2014
Full announcements will be located here. 'Blurbs', or summaries only, unless dire emergency, will be on the announcements/updates page on the main landing page of this site []

June 13, 2014: The sinkhole blog has gotten started.

Sinkhole Blog

Important announcement:

This site,, has been updated so that all links correspond to what they are intended to do, as of August 30, 2013.

Some of the click on links to products on other ETIS International sites, such as ETISmart and SoftwareMove might not allow direct online purchases and/or shipping. However, if the corresponding page is valid, there may be other similar products or versions you may purchase. There also is the possibility some of the corresponding webpages to the product ads to click on might not exist. In the upcoming days, for your convenience, we will make the effort to indicate which products no longer offer direct online purchases, remove ads that are obsolete, and general process of updating. August 2013., is the URL and new name for our educational website. This has books, software for education,and is being added onto.[2/2013]

We have ... a new and improved Facebook page, which is better designed for business purposes: ETISfirst

The site is just underway, however still linked to our FB /etisnet url. The url is

ETIS favicon... a copy of it is placed below in the end of the announcements box area.

November 2011... ETIS mobile devices/accessories store is at: ETIS Mobile Devices Accessories Mall Shopping Mall Facebook site

ETIS Inlet
Resilient representative site. (If other main sites are not available, please use this one for more about us; has links)

ETIS Channel at YouTube... EnviroComputer

Computers and phones at

Enviro/eco safer and related products at

Main company Facebook page.. ETISfirst

Where ETIS sites are on the web, relational diagram format


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