In Action: ETIS Inlet. To Be Used as Our Representative Site.

Posted by ETIS on Thursday, January 9, 2025
Published evening 1/8th/2025
The idea is similar to a first actual person the public is directed to go speak to when they want to speak to a manager of a large organization, such as a multi-national corporation or military. One member of the public demands to speak to the highest ranking general, another wants to talk to the commander, or the corporate boss. Rarely do they actually speak to that person, usually they wind up speaking to a designated individual to deal with the circumstances of the sort.

The Internet is rapidly changing. Different kinds of platforms are evolving. Multi-national webbuilding platforms are now available that the elderly of older generations that never used a computer before, can easily develop an impressive website within a few minutes. The era where having a '.com' per se as the most ideal business strategy, then second place .net, then .org, or .org then .net, might be winding down right around the corner. Just like brick and mortar offices with a stack of business cards sitting on a large expensive entry foyer desk, and a secretary sitting behind that desk, there smiling from 8:30am to 5:30pm everyday without fail, as the hallmark of having a successful, competitive business, moving into a thing of the past. There is an increase these days of work remotely corporate structures. New waves (in the future) might have (website) domain names like .a, .b., or .1, .2, or each person has their name the domain, the sky's the limit.

All to say, every time major changes come along that affect website naming, to revise the content and links for how ever many other websites and social media that are out there circulating, can be a ridiculous undertaking. If a company has 500 or a thousand webpages, landing pages and so on, unless they have an AI system in place or mechanism to correct it all in one swift motion, the time it takes to manually go in and revise html one site and one link at a time, makes little sense.

So at this point, we (ETIS) is going to have a representative site, just like a person in a large organization, that will be the sit in as the main site, effectively the first stop go to.  

The function is as an inlet for our online presence. It has to have a higher degree of resilience than many .com plans that require almost daily monitoring to ensure they are up and running.

For now that site is named ETIS Inlet. Shopping Mall Facebook site

ETIS Inlet
Resilient representative site. (If other main sites are not available, please use this one for more about us; has links)

ETIS Channel at YouTube... EnviroComputer

Computers and phones at

Enviro/eco safer and related products at

Main company Facebook page.. ETISfirst

Where ETIS sites are on the web, relational diagram format


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