Showing Tag: "rats" (Show all posts)

Huge Rats and 'Super Rats' Evolving into Sizes of Animals that Have Attacked Humans in Yellowstone National Park... Keys of Human Presiding and Control Necessary

Posted by Animal Dangers Blog on Friday, February 14, 2014,
The rate at which rats in Papua New Guinea has been growing, is about a half a foot every 3 or 4 years.  This estimate is pertaining to the rats which scientists have made records of, and possibly not counting the rats that have not been spotted, elusive abilities to hide detection, a part of the innate qualities of this animal.

Now, rats in Papua New Guinea, have gone from 2.5 feet, two and a half feet, to over 3 feet, three feet in length.

At the rate at which that animal is growing, if that ...
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