Shooting Extravaganzas: Feral Hogs in Texas and Camels in Australia

Posted by ETIS | Animal Attacks and Dangers on Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Shooting feral hogs that are the size of a rhino, lion, or small elephant, especially the ones with dangerous horns, and can run as fast as a predator size cat in the jungle, might be necessary, when they endanger humans and just about everything else imaginable. The situation has been going on in Texas for years now. Different theories have emerged as to how to rid the problem, but in many cases a quick deadly mass panacea, is foreseen to bring about more dangers and hazards to health.
Multiple videos and footage of hogs frightened out of their mind are seen running moments before being put down through a rifle shot.

In Australia, talk now emerges that about 10,000 camels might get shot because they are taking up too much water.
Suggestions might come about real soon, such as donate one or two camels to each zoo in the world. Camels have a degree of rarity, as well as a degree of sanctimony respective which culture, belief etc. one participates.

The event is to transpire Wedneday. The area, is in western Australia, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY). Shopping Mall Facebook site

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