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Possibilities Around the Shores of Wakkanai

Posted by ETIS on Thursday, October 31, 2024
This is one where it might not be immediately clear, what presence singlar or plural is there in and around the shores near Wakkanai, Japan. An area known as the northernmost.
This mght be a case of to say, or not say/ be silent, however, complete silence might not mark what it is the subject matter is.
There are two photos at the link here:
Stranding Network Hokkaido
Discovery/Report December 2008/ January 2009
Latitude, longitude: 45-15-58.8N 141-36-13.6E (WGS84)
Length just over 12 feet
It appears the idiosyncratic T-shaped tail is still intact.

What happened?, and what might be there to make it happen?
-Deterioration rates and large amounts of physiological components disappearance rates, might be separate.

Theories might include:
  • An animal significantly larger than it exists
  • An animal related to it exists
  • An animal unrelated to it exists
  • A competitor that evolved that might fallinto one or two categores of the two immediate above
  • Bears are known to be in area, however, to meet the size demands to enable the possibilities, likely not an everyday sight; bears can be swimmers
  • Animals may be present in the area that are not in the typical zoo
  • Extinct animals not extinct, or a descendant?

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