The Situation of Frequent Pit Bull Attacks Persists. Dog Sitting. Attacks on the Vulnerable, Very Young, or Very Old.

July 23, 2024
It has been about a year and a half since a post in this animal attacks blog has been made. It is with dismay that the story essentially repeats itself.
Earlier this summer, the city of Baltimore had a story about a dog attack on a woman during a clear night of enviable weather and conditions. About 9pm, perfect timing to be out on the town, Pit Bulls attack several people, the woman in her early 50s fatally while on foot.
Here is what some news sources might not tell you, but might be a part of the larger situation. The area of the city the attack happened in, is in about the poorest and in some spots most desolate. Perhaps due to economic conditions, some areas of Baltimore have been between regularly and rapidly detioriorating. Sections that were already in trouble generally have not gotten any better.
In those kinds of city constructs, one might see where the chance that an able and dangerous dog, can escape its original owner, such as the owner became older and overslept, losing control of the pet; fenced in areas became weakened, where dogs could escape; dog owners might have been ill, arrested, under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, legal medicine; or just neglect.
Meanwhile, the months of June and July this year saw other Pit Bull attacks in other spots of the Country. Articles on the net have indicated that a number of these attacks took place where someone was house sitting for the dogs. 
Older folks that might not be as quick and nimble, have fallen. Very young children victims as well.


Perhaps more protocols, official and unofficial, need to be in place, to preempt the sort of attacks that have been happening.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as a stray pit bull; somewhere down the line, the dog was acquired, later it became stray, usually not for very long. It would be kind of odd for a Pit Bull to have been running through a city for months at a time. Reference the June 2024 Baltimore attack.

What do you mean a 6 year old boy had his face attacked (reference July 2024 Loraine, Ohio)? How many times over the past 20 years has that situation happened? As soon as the adults leave, the trust in the dog has been built up, [then] the attack happens. It is clear that is usually the scenario. That scenario, needs not to exist.

Trends have been caught.

What may be slightly out of line to say, but may be a vIable solutIon to some of the might be sitUations- if a Pit Bull or dangerous dog (German Shephard, Rottweiler, Doberman, etc.,) gets driven into an area, such as a city, especially to a remote night spot like a drinking club or liquor lounge, where the nearby surrounding is dim and desolate, the owner leaves the car, leaves a window slightly down, enough for the dog to get out while they're in the club drinking, or the dog hopped out while the door was opening or closing, or worse yet, drove in the city like a terrorist and let the dog run wild, that dog better have a collar, or chip insertion, or something that identifies the owner, ideally with a tracker. If it does have a collar/tracker/identifier, neglect of the pet needs enforcing more. If it doesn't, usage of collar/tracker/identifier needs to be enforced more.


Dog Attacks: Recurrent Human Fatalities Ought to Be a Thing of the Past

January 22, 2023
Centuries ago, communities, towns, and civilizations figured out that they need to fence off dangerous animals, such as lions, tigers, hyenas, and rhinos. For animals that are tougher to craft protective devices and devises, like snakes or large birds, perhaps the move was to move to a different area. Dogs are no exception. Post year 2000, the dog is generally accepted to be a human-friendly animal. However, the track record that some aspects of the dog world has established, is that some dog...
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Global Animal Attack Roundup July 11th 2022 Shows Only a Handful of Kinds of Animals

July 12, 2022
Published July 11th EST
Once again, after investigating other stories outside the big ones, there are too many animal attacks to count and briefly place in one post.
What is clear is that dog accountability has got to be or become something in the wave of the future, just like cell phones. It might be a collar of some sort, identifying the owner, an electronic tracer and alert system, must be on certain dogs necks, or a nanosized (to avoid animal cruelty) mechanism be embedded somewhere on or i...
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Shark Attack Beachside Monterey Bay CA June 2022

June 23, 2022
Written June 22, 2022 EST

It seems like it never ends, a saying. No matter how man precautions, are set in place, some creatures figure out how to be the embodiment of the unexpected. Of course continuing to improve safety measures is supported and encouraged.

Near an area called Lovers Point, quite scenic, a shark attacked about midmorning earlier today, Wednesday. Fortunately the victim sustained only minor injuries.

From a birds eye view, the attack, and prerequisite shark path of travel, if ...
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Orange County Florida Area Deals With Bear Attacks

April 29, 2022
How high is a high number when it comes to bear attacks and sightings?,- may all be held relative. Going back to the time of Florida first settlements from Europe in about the 1500s. And bear attacks before that, and so forth. A notion is the untamed wild might have gotten more civilized today. Currently, for the Florida area, bears might not be anything way out of the ordinary. In the past few months, according to local news sources, it looks like there has been a bear appearing in a residen...
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Dog Attacks in the Limelight

March 21, 2022
There may be more to the saying dogs are man's best friend than most men today sit and discuss in ordinary banter. Nevertheless, maintaining a common sense and wise balance in precautions that should be taken, can help minimize dog attack incidents.
There are a number of websites that are devoted to animal attacks now. After reaching out, we might provide links to those resources somewhere on this blog page.
Reiterating caution number 1:
Extra cautions should be taken around very young children....
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Reinforcing to Remember Bears Can Open Doors

June 26, 2020
Open doors to prosperity? Stocks in a ball team?
No- bears can physically open a door, like your house door, camping tent, car or truck door.
Keep them locked if you are inside, especially in bear territory.
Within the past few days, a bear was found pillaging the inside of a car looking for some gum drops. Reference, Pigeon Forge, TN.
The story sounds too frivol to waste writing a story about, except, recalling about a decade ago a spate in bear attacks; safe side is reinforce the advice that co...
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Chicago Area Woman Mauled by French Bulldog

May 23, 2020
A woman over 50 within the past week and a half was mauled by a dog in her own house, suffering numerous bites by the dog. Succumbed, after making it to the patio. The dog did have a history of biting others in recent months.
Lord's creature, the minds' of which are created as they are; we humans cannot trust their behavior as it were a computer program or math formula. Erratic behavior is a part of some referent dogs' behavioral pattern, regardless of whether it seems like an oxymoron.

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Shooting Extravaganzas: Feral Hogs in Texas and Camels in Australia

January 7, 2020
Shooting feral hogs that are the size of a rhino, lion, or small elephant, especially the ones with dangerous horns, and can run as fast as a predator size cat in the jungle, might be necessary, when they endanger humans and just about everything else imaginable. The situation has been going on in Texas for years now. Different theories have emerged as to how to rid the problem, but in many cases a quick deadly mass panacea, is foreseen to bring about more dangers and hazards to health.
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Mountain Lions Had to be Put Down After Seen Unusually Eating Human Remains

January 7, 2020
At the very end of 2019 moving in to beginning of 2020, 3 mountain lions were authorized to be killed.. Pima Canyon Trail area in Arizona.

Why concern, if any, and what were the concerns?
Concerns in terms of dangers to humans: Mountain lions usually back off of feeding on remains, especially when there are humans present with firearms that pose a threat to them. It was determined by highly trained professionals in the field, that the anomaly in behavior warranted their killing. (Who knows what...
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