Mountain Lions Had to be Put Down After Seen Unusually Eating Human Remains

Posted by ETIS | Animal Attaks and Dangers on Tuesday, January 7, 2020
At the very end of 2019 moving in to beginning of 2020, 3 mountain lions were authorized to be killed.. Pima Canyon Trail area in Arizona.

Why concern, if any, and what were the concerns?
Concerns in terms of dangers to humans: Mountain lions usually back off of feeding on remains, especially when there are humans present with firearms that pose a threat to them. It was determined by highly trained professionals in the field, that the anomaly in behavior warranted their killing. (Who knows what the mountain lions might do next, if their behavior is skewed from normal and involved seeking human flesh.)

Concerns about endangered species: Mountain lions are not as common as an everyday sparrow. On a longer timeline, when just a ew start to disappear, it could impact the future.

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