Dog Attacks: Recurrent Human Fatalities Ought to Be a Thing of the Past

Posted by ETIS | Animal Attacks on Sunday, January 22, 2023
Centuries ago, communities, towns, and civilizations figured out that they need to fence off dangerous animals, such as lions, tigers, hyenas, and rhinos. For animals that are tougher to craft protective devices and devises, like snakes or large birds, perhaps the move was to move to a different area. Dogs are no exception. Post year 2000, the dog is generally accepted to be a human-friendly animal. However, the track record that some aspects of the dog world has established, is that some dogs remain a serious danger. The line in the sand should be drawn, it may involve accepting the fact that certain dogs, especially that have the reputation for proclivity to attack, need to be worked with in certain ways.

Pit bulls freely running up and down the street in the neighborhood, for example, should not be a situation that exists in civilized areas.

Recent emergencies:
  • A 20s year old woman died and another injured in Surrey, just south of London in UK, last Friday, the 13th, 2023
  • 7 year girl attacked, killed by pit bull, January 6, sometime after about 6pm, 2023, Louisiana
  • 80 year old woman killed October 2022 in San Bernadino CA; dogs were from a nearby house, reports say
  • 8 year old boy attacked by pit bull, Indio CA, September 2022; incident inside of a house Shopping Mall Facebook site

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