4 Week Old Baby Attacked by Fox; Might have had Finger Bitten Off. A Few Things about Fox Appearances in Densely Populated Areas of the City.

Posted by ETIS animal attack blog on Monday, February 11, 2013
On February 6, 2013, or thereabout, in the UK, a 4 week old boy was evidently attacked by a fox in his house.  The boy, according to inferences of reports, was lying on his cot when then fox attacked, dragged him to the floor, then caused dismemberment of a part of the boy's hand.

This happened in Downham.

Story here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-21406854

Not to rule out possibilities, which can happen in cases like these, especially when in cases of young children, and the animals involved have quiet footsteps, such as other helpful [harmful] creatures of the wild facilitating in the cot tumble, then escaping before the scene was diagnosed by a discerning adult.

Predatory animals in some cases might be more likely to engage in such activities when the victim already susceptible, such as a child, is in restful condition, combined increased vulnerability.

Predatory animals which have reports of attacking in urban areas include bears, mountain lions have shown up, foxes have roamed urban areas, however, when they get close to the extreme, other things are going wrong. 

Although the event took place in the UK, does not mean that urban and city areas of the U.S., or anywhere else is immune from the prospect of the same type of thing going on within weeks of the event.  Clusters of the trend of animal behavior can occur.  Differences in the levels of intelligence of animals, like foxes, from human beings might exist, however, it does not mean that they are not capable of group behavior consistencies.

For the type of area you are living in, for the type of animal which has had rumors to be a problem in your area, and considering the type of dwelling you are in, secure your house up to the safety standards.  If panthers which can travel up to speeds of 50mph are in the area, a large easily shattered window which cannot be noticed is there, is not the smartest thing to have, unless iron bars are put in front of them; when dealing with foxes, opening which might be taken advantage of, might be smaller, such as partially opened doors, screened low lying areas like patio doors, where screens have become dis-attached but not apparent, need tightening and repair.

Winter beginning to wind down, here comes a new wave of wildlife, with improvements as to how to attack upon last year having ingrained in their minds, they adapt, humans have to make improvements to counter their developments.

Tags: fox attack  animal attack  attack in house 

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