Legal compliance:

What makes ETIS International and this website safe, as a source for your business, individual, environmental, computer, and IT needs?
At this day and age, those of us that are sincerely concerned and committed to protecting, conserving, and bettering the environment, along with those of us that seek to acquire, use, provide, and maintain the cutting-edge of computer and information technologies, have been met with both advantages and challenges pertinent the legal aspects of it all.

Of the most obvious of these, is the stage-set which these advantages and challenges rest upon, the internet, and its provision of online business transactions, including buying, selling, trading, marketing, and advertising.  In addition, depending on the vantage point, the platform for online business makes for more complicated, or simplified, international transactions.

Before the prevalence of the internet to facilitate and which has capacity as conduit for international business, inherent in international business law  were piers such as designation of duties of all parties involved, agreements, administering to taxes, tariffs, import and export laws, all of which were at least partially the responsibility of all those involved in the actual transactions.  Now, although many of these laws, and more, exist, online business transactions have reduced the responsibilities for buyers and sellers, the result being, the bulk of what remains is the absolute act of buying and selling using your computer keypad; thence, international business simplified in this regard.  Legal responsibilities for instance, such as environmental objectives stated in NAFTA, are already mostly subsumed by online transaction.  Obversely, while with the internet, a significantly vaster amount of the market can be reached in drastically reduced amount of time, if having to keep up with local laws for each locale per business transaction was still requisite, it would be nearly an impossible task to manage.

Although much of the work for international transaction legal compliance has been dissolved for the buyer and seller, by means of the online medium, there still remain core legal responsibilities that businesses engaging in internet marketing and selling must maintain compliance to, even as newer laws emerge.

What makes ETIS International and this website safe, as a source for your business, individual, environmental, computer, and IT needs, is:
1. This website is in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (U.S.A.). Pertinent are:

  • international electronic commerce guidelines
  • fair business, marketing, and advertising practices

2. ETIS International is a legally registered businesses.
3. All of the links on this site are to businesses which are legally registered in their own right and respective requirements.
Credit card transactions for the businesses which have links in this website are safe and secure
4. ETIS International and this website make no attempts at breaching any law on the international plane. This is ingrained and indispensable in our 'code of conduct'.
5. ETIS International makes the best effort to promulgate compliance to environmental standards; this not only, we also seek business that improves the environment. Our business methodologies and strategies include, and is a part of our philosophy, 'for the want of something better', ad meliora.  Standards and goals referred to here, reflect those such as what is developed by, or in, the:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation/ Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
  • Kyoto Protocol/ United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).

ETIS International welcomes your comments on how to better the business, this website, and on how to be more congruent to environmental laws, standards and agreements, inclusive of selections of business affiliation.  If you know of a business that is engaging in business practices not adhering to environmental safety, please make us aware of it.


Integrity pertinent to this website is to what degree a product is environmentally safer. ETIS markets computers. ETIS also has designated categories for computers that are manufactured by companies renown as environmentally responsible. There are companies marketed in both channels; albeit, computers/companies which might not be marketed through the environmentally responsible category channel, are not because, either thorough market research has not yet been done on them, or it is not applicable. This what is meant by integrity. ETIS is not going to claim an ascription to a product when it cannot be upheld. 

ETIS makes a conscientious effort not to market products and companies that overtly harm the environment.