

CCTV, Vehicle Video Recorders, an English Language  Attempt at a Grab from the Larger, the Threshold New Technology FUHO is Developing

August 14, 2012

FUHO has websites, and there is YouTube video about them.  Letting them do the talking about their products, and the video, provided.

Comments on the video, is that it is over a year old.  In terms of the cutting edge, the video gives an idea of what FUHO does.

There are about 30 FUHO products with a product picture grouped on the webpage, with more webpages following attached to it, at:

What looks to be a website in English for FUHO: 

Amongst what you will find, at the website immediately above, such as the 'about' area, is CCTV manufacturer, Taiwan market, as already stated in the previous post, as well as timeline and branch names.

Researching or searching for FUHO videos, you might find a number of YouTube uploaded videos with FUHO in the title, however, not in English.  Some of the devices seen in those videos look strikingly similar to the base part of the FUHO 'Car Black Box' product.  Many of these videos are the footage taken mounted in vehicles while these vehicles are driving.

The video directly below gives a general idea of how vehicle/car cameras are a practicality.

Vehicle Video Recorders

'Step Beyond', Now at a Practical Level, Involved with Changes Defining a Level Playing Field

July 20, 2012

A more extensive review of FUHO and FUHO Vehicle Video Recorders will be performed within the next few business days.

What the camera system does, if integrated and becomes a popular product into legal and social systems  such as in the U.S., is makes false or erroneous accusations of vehicular faults or legal infringements obsolete.

FUHO founded in a few years range of 20 years ago, CCTV manufacturer, per its website ostensibly primary market shared locale Taiwan prospective buyers.

[Changes Defining a Level Playing Field...Changes in E/valuation...]

Easier put, step beyond technology, makes for an arrival of a level playing field.  [Therefore and resultantly,] focus, efforts, energy, can be directed to higher [and higher] goals.

Thought for the nonce, written this day August 9, 2011

Laptop Screens, Practical Ideas for Immediate Future

Laptops and computer notebooks that you can work with outside, being able to 'see' what is on the screen without having to roam around and adjust the tilting of the screen every few minutes can make or break that computers marketability.

Screens that have low glare, or designed for easy discernment of screen content has its demand evident.

Outdoor jobs, like conservation, environmental, athletics, animal trackers, and so on, can make use out of these technologies.

[reference is matt screens]

Pith of the thought for the nonce is, to couple the outdoor readable screen, with screens that you can expand in size.  Preclude, a device that can be placed over a screen not directly designed for outdoor use. 

Lithium Batteries

Potential for a Much Bigger Impact than Many Notions

Written before August 9, 2011

This area [Product Reviews] is just getting started.

For the time being, product for review is lithium batteries.

A new lithium-ion battery plant was recently opened in Michigan. 

General product review is, all aspects of technology need to keep moving ahead.

All parts and pieces as technology advances need to be able to smoothly work together.  High emission exhaust systems from the early 70s got outdated, the size of cars have for the most part drastically reduced in size from the 'boats' of the late 60s to early 70s to a full size car now is close to what a compact car would have been then.  Moving ahead and developing batteries that can meet the demands of emerging technologies might as well move forward.

We know the importance of understanding aspects of a product before you purchase and put your signature of approval on it. More than 2 or 3 hyped-up words beside a photo of a product is sometimes necessary to for a prospective buyer to get the information he or she or an organization wants. Our objective is to provide you with product reviews thorough enough that they can be used to base decisions for product purchase.