Cleanliness in a broad sense of the word is an inextricable and integral part of acknowledgement and true ascertainment of what is real, and a pure conscience.

There was a message written years ago when we first went online, as a marketing strategy, 'So you think you have reached a state of high holiness, and... you can exercise QL, quantum libet, as much as you please, quantity at whatever liberty strikes your discretion, insofar how you treat creation.'  Our websites are not really set up like they used to be, thanks to advances in web technology, and comments such as those are not all that befitting. The idea we are trying to drive across is that an attitude, perhaps borrowed from a movie or fictitious source,  that negligently littering is a sine qua non of freedom or a proof that you are a boss on your own turf-- is a twisted fallacy, in short misguided behavior. Moderation being a key to success, maintaining cleanliness having its virtue already explained at the top, dumping hazards on the environment in to the point it is excessive is not in a proportion to the real goal. Littering the streets, throwing whatever you want into clean waters, even expelling or exude second-hand smoke whenever you please, exceeds the limits of the natural laws of respect for the order around us. In similar vein, is an attitude that in order to succeed financially in business, have no regard for the condition of the environment.  It even might have gained popularity at times in recent history a notion that bringing together environmental technologies with industry was a reachless goal.  These have been proven false.  Why? Because you, corporations and people, have taken proactive steps to maintain the environment at its proper balance. Much more is needed to bring drinking waters, air we breathe, and food we eat, to the level that it is universally accepted as healthy. An endless set of pictures can be posted onto this webpage showing disastrous environmental conditions.  Gloomy images of drinking waters that are so polluted that it and everything immediately around it has changed color a far cry from what it originally was, and the creatures and maybe even people nearby have noticeable chemical deformities.

You might ask, what can I do to help?

The answer is, buy environmentally safe products.  That is a good start. Buy from companies that behave in a responsible way, pertinent is with respect to the environment. Both of these are in the ETIS online shopping sections.

What if I do not have huge amounts of money to spend on this and really do not want to get involved with the reputations of extreme environmentalists and associate myself with 'movements'?

You can still buy safe products.  You can still buy from companies that are considerate.  Moreover, you can always live and act responsibly. The products to buy on the ETIS webpages are intended to help accomplish maintaining a good environmental balance.

More you can do toward upright balance that does not cost anything: Educate yourself Read the webpages of ETIS International, there is good information in them handed down from amongst today's most educated Do not act negligently Show acquaintances educational resources

A dimension of cleanliness is having a level of respect for all creatures and creation, organic and inorganic, what we can see, and what we have not even discovered yet.  Because to some people, who consider in oversimplified form many aspects of the earth as being held in relation to each other, for instance, dirt compared to water, whereat they hold a superficial premise, which is, 'therefore dirt is dirty and water is pure', resultant is sometimes people do not realize what they are doing, and pollute the earth.  Clarifying water to the point that it has so many chemicals in it that it is hazardous to health, done so solely for increase in sales volume, is inglorious.  Dumping radioactive waste onto areas of dirt and land coinciding where we live is harmful.  Due to basal, or trite levels of understanding,  people do things everyday that harm the environment, often times without them realizing the rendering they are doing.  When understanding is increased, it becomes clear that some activities that have discordant effects on the environment, are better off not done.